Bitcoin Cash has the roadmap that lead to Bitcoin's original success, and Bitcoin Cash has the roadmap that will lead to Bitcoin's future success.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Bitcoin Cash has the roadmap that lead to Bitcoin's original success Bitcoin Cash has the roadmap that will lead to Bitcoin's future success.

I cover this and a couple of other topics happening in the Bitcoin space recently including Censorship of my Youtube channel and the @Bitcoin Twitter account.


This is what he is talking about. It was already a censorship fight, 10 months ago.

This is actually overly generous to the r/Bitcoin side. The truth is they now rampantly edit, delete, and ban with absolutely no visible moderator record. r/Bitcoin might as well be a corporate sub locked to upvote-only.


@rogerkver was good meeting you in Acapulco earlier this year brother.. I will be back again next year hope to talk some more. FYI I have delegated my SP for the next few weeks, sorry that you got flagged here. I wish I could give you some support. I have faith the Steem eco system will work these small issues out in time. Keep in mind, your post is still in the blockchain when flagged.

I recommend using, where the posts don't get grayed out. At least it didn't in my feed.

Thanks for coming back to Steemit @rogerkver! No censorship here on the Steem Blockchain :)

Just a ton of bots and a stale trending page, depending on what interface site you use... but I guess that's not very unique for Steem ;)

Dear sir,I also support you about @rogerkver.

There is lots of censorship on steemit, go ahead and scroll down the comments below and see for yourself. bernie sanders and all of his wallets does nothing but censor content he doesn't like.

On some things get grayed out, yes, but not on the Steem blockchain and you can still view it even on Steemit if you don't prefer other apps.

This. Obviously this.

Post to Steem more often! I had totally forgotten you were on here. You should get on Dtube as well. Censorship is lame!

He only post now because he want to pump his shit coin. After this pump and dump event you won't see him here anymore until his next scam event. Beter he f*cks off here instead of only using the platform to scam people.

Please do, so I can tear apart every single false claim you have.

You're running a full-on identity scam, and you know it.

Good teardown on the whole confidence scheme here -

You say this about once or twice a year, then disappear again. If anyone believes you, they’re a damn fool.

You have a point there. I'm guessing it's a courtesy mostly and that like myself promising things here, he's been very busy with the whole BTC-BCH debacle.

Only the highly insecure cannot stand competition.

Hi Bernie, I know its been two years, what has changed since this?Screenshot_20180423-214157.png

I'm not gonna defend all of Rogers actions, but you realized that what... he has ideological views, uses his wealth for it, allows himself to get emotional and sometimes flips the finger at people when they troll him?

Funny how this reminds me of someone... ;)

As for Bitcoin Cash, you probably know better than to think it is merely a pump and dump or that it will die anytime soon. Let's get real. Toxicity in r/BTC or on Twitter, whoever it comes from, Rogers behaviour, some guy claiming to be Satoshi and never fulfilling his promise, changes very little about the fundamentals.

If you think Bitcoin Cash will be centralized, I guess in your book it might be. Also in my book, depending. But you can't deny that it will be an interesting experiment for many reasons (or if we consider Bitcoin SL chain/Lightning network the experiment). Far more interesting from a scientific perspective than say Litecoin or Dogecoin.

Finally we'll have something real to study, rather than bickering about how it should work in theory and never testing any of it out.

How is dogecoin not interesting?

Pointing out these people are fucking hypocrites does nothing, literally NOTHING, to slow them down.

They can operate saturated in cognitive dissonance.

I'm with you Bruv! Glad to have @rogerkver back!


Satisfying enough, answers the question succinctly.

And here's the detailed proof -

Great analysis and historical reference on the whole con-game that Very Wrong Ver is running.

Actual answer: Bernie has completely lost his mind. He is now a raging form of autistic. His opinions aren't based on logic and he only wants to watch the world burn.

He's a capricious, useless, pre-mining piece of shit.

I may be some of those things but there is no such thing as "pre-mining" on the Steem blockchain, so, carry on ignorant troll...

You're just one of those poor twats looking for an excuse for having such a sad wallet.

You still won't be able to fully censor them. Other UIs might display them etc.

That's the problem with Reddit and r/Bitcoin, aside from obvious sock puppets and brigading (oooh yes, it happens on both sides), that every subreddit is a centralized structure and if the wrong people get in charge they can ban anyone for anything. In the case of r/Bitcoin the moderators and owner simply went overboard with the rules.

For publicity purposes they'll use an excuse and that they also ban legitimate sock and troll accounts can make it look better, but that doesn't change anything.

At least here you can still post using your bernie account, right? It's not banned.

Bernie himself IS a troll. He could attack like 8 other ridiculous Bitcoin forks, but he attacks the one with a functional product.

Both him and Transisto go out of their way to censor and attack Bitcoin Cash. It must somehow interfere with their "Using Steem As Nothing More Than A Bitcoin Extraction Plan" operation they've run since day 1.

Transisto Sucks.png

Watch out, these are organized, censoring FUD'ers. Demonstrable lies pointed out in this thread.

Transisto Sucks.png

Inconvenient facts -

With screenshotted references and detailed technicals.

Jesus, you're fucking ignorant...

I'm so glad all of your rewards come from bots and not actual users reading your trash.

The ONLY reason BCH is relevant is because they gave it to BTC holders for free. If they didn't, nobody would give two flying fucks.

Roger is just some half baked retard who got into BTC early, there's nothing else to him.

You're such a pussy little bitch.

"The ONLY reason BCH is relevant is because they gave it to BTC holders for free. If they didn't, nobody would give two flying fucks."

Then let it fail on its own (lack of) merits, instead of being a sputtering lunatic everywhere you go.

"I'm so glad all of your rewards come from bots and not actual users"

Says the guy who started all the bots, then started flagging everyone for using them.

Serious question: do you believe there are any substantial organic votes happening on Steem?

Follow-up question: do you understand the basic game theory for why the previous answer is no?

"Roger is just some half baked retard who got into BTC early, there's nothing else to him."

Perhaps. If so, let his own style show that. You are harming your own claimed cause, which implies it's not your real cause, or you, again, do not understand game theory.


Being censored on steem lols. Need to post more ☺

Thanks @rogerkver. It is tough to continue to fight the good fight with all the negativity. We appreciate your work to continue to change the world for the better.

It is not important whether bitcoin or bitcoin cash is the superior platform but that the best decentralized form of money takes over and we get rid of some of Governments power over the people. You are doing a great service presenting an alternative way to move forward toward our ultimate goal. May the best win!

This is what he is talking about. It was already a censorship fight, 10 months ago.

This is actually overly generous to the r/Bitcoin side. The truth is they now rampantly edit, delete, and ban with absolutely no visible moderator record. r/Bitcoin might as well be a corporate sub locked to upvote-only.


Good seeing you here Roger. We don't always agree about things, especially strategy and marketing I'd say (where you are a lot more aggressive and I think you would actually have more success by being more vanilla), but "censorship" and manipulation is not an argument. (Many will say it's only the trolls or off-topic shilling spammers that get banned, but I've seen up front there's more going on than simply that.)

You're doing mostly good with r/BTC currently, but I'd warn you; There's a lot of sock puppeting and brigading going on also in that sub. I've noticed clearly unorganic voting behavior, especially on posts from tight group of CSW supporters. These people - irregardless of your opinion about a man who in private promised to reveal proof publicly of being Satoshi but didn't - are not good for the community. Unless you want to see the real users pushed out in favor of an artificially cheering crowd, better means of communication will have to be developed. There or elsewhere.

Maybe Memo.Cash is a good start for something new, maybe will become more mainstream, and in any case maybe Steem and interfaces like can be an inspiration to your and others. In any case I hope you'll feel at home here. (even if you're post rewards will probably show zero if berniesanders downvotes you)

I'm for rallying behind THIS post as a rally point for future discord...
Posts on SteemIt represent a decentralized information economy.
As a PUBLIC SCI-FI AUTHOR myself, I have been immutably "on the record"
for my support of Bitcoin Cash as early as last year. I'm not saying I KNOW better, just POSTING my Stand ; )


I've been backing BCH since the fork. Core and Lightning Network are complete GARBAGE!

BCH is garbage a bunch of cry babies that could not get their way to they piggy backed off bitcoins name to make money lol

With you Roger!!!! This message needs to get out and people need to understand what Bitcoin Cash really is about!!! best, ~Sean