Roger Ver and Corbin's News Weekly Update!
Roger Ver speaks with one of our lead developers Corbin to talk you through all the latest Bitcoin news and happenings within the Bitcoin Cash Community.
Please see below for show notes:
-- Show notes:
► US Government launches scam ICO Website -
► Frances Coppolla calls out blockstream's centralisation:
► Gavin Andreson (tweet @ him from us)
► Bitcoin Cash miners discuss using rewards as funding for development on BCH network:
► Vin Armani, BCH Supporter & (CTO):
► Interested in who accepts Bitcoin Cash? Check out for a full list of BCH merchants
► Bitcoin Cash Tokyo Meetup:
► Daniel Krawisz, expelled from Satoshi Nakamoto Institute:
►Tipping Bots: GitCash:
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Roger, lemme interview you sometime on Bitcoin Cash. I'm up in Niigata. I'll come down to you!
Come visit our Tokyo office any time! Email
Lyin' Ver's Greatest Hits -
It would be great if he would just step down and let BCash compete on merit, but his business model won't allow it. He depends on confusion so newbies mistake his ego-project for the real thing.
Deception and underhanded tricks are his go-to. If he's capable of this kind of duplicity, it should make you wonder what else is hiding in his closet.
You should be ashamed of yourself. But then again, that would require true empathy and social acuity that you desperately lack. - no utility there, transaction volume has been anemic since its inception. Flat-line, just like Roger's lies.
I've addressed the lies about me in that post here:
Even one of your more ardent supporters, Erik Voorhees has asked you to give up your BCash tirades.
Videos aren't going to save you - your lies are there for everyone to see, no matter how much you wheedle about them not being true.
Just like when you tapped out in that match against a 16 year old, you've underestimated your opponent and you don't have a chance.
You're losing, and you will continue to lose.
Thanks! Will do!
I hope you guys like the fact that we called out Samson Mow so hard for wining to the SEC about people just talking about crypto currencies.
I liked the way you destroyed Samson in that debate in Seoul,
From your biggest fan.
Remember folks, when someone champions for insider trading, their ethical compass isn't just broken, they've thrown it overboard.
Lyin' Ver should be ashamed of himself. I'm sure his parents are.
Milton Friedman convinced me there should be no rules against insider trading many years ago.
Seeing how you've gone full Douchetarian, I'm not surprised.
One thing you might want to consider, in your "free market" scenario -- is your antics have pissed off many big holders of crypto, and they have resources that dwarf your own.
This game you are playing doesn't end the way you think it will.
I'd reconsider being the biggest Douche on the planet -- assuming you have any ability to reflect and self-examine.
The lies have to stop, eventually. Its best if they stop by your own hand, versus the enraged multi-millionaires you've angered.
If the free market decides you're too big of a ego-centric asshole, do you respect that decision? Because it's coming.
I pity on those who think bitcoin as a store of value, it was always meant to be digital cash.
Yes, it was meant to be both really.
This whole ongoing branding of Bitcoin Cash users as "Keynesians" just because we realize that money has a purpose not fulfilled by just any deflationary commodity - digital or otherwise - already is rather silly.
It’s a lot more than just about being keynesians or monetarists.
But I agree with you.
Respect for all what you have done but I think that it would be better for BCH if you stop trash talking about BTC. You are hurting both coins like this.
Great video! Thanks so much for the excellent info too. I so much respect you, Roger Ver, and am happy to have found you here on steemit too. Thanks for the reminder of the bell notifications too, where I've been sub'd to you for a good while from my Positive777 channel there.
Is there any news and/or links on the Volunteerism project to buy land and create a place to develop that? I've fallen behind on your info. I'm bookmarking to come back and listen again.