Multiple of one

in #bitcoin8 years ago

We are in a world which is as beautiful as it could be. The marvelous variety of life-forms, the sun rice, the sun set , the soothing glow of the moon, the sky and the stars are in absolute harmony with one another. Every thing is in creative order. There does not seem to be even an iota of chaos anywhere. Without a creative force the universe would probably have been chaotic. But chaos is far far away from nature's scheme of things.
This vast and multitudinous world we see is the out come of a multiple form form tru original One. The original One has exited always as the creator. It has been creating consistently ever sinc the original One became many. Everything in the universe is just a fragment of the original One. It is the original One which has taken a multiplay form.
Man too is a fragment of the original one , which pervades every one and everything in the universe. The original one is by itself everywhere. It has only changed from one to many. Nothing is separate or different from the original one. It is the only thing that exists in its form of many.
The original one's forms are always changing and creating. Nothing can stopped it . It is its nature. Man can only marbel at it .
Throughout his life, man, while wonder-struck by the universe's eternity, struggles for his own survival and worries througout his life to keep himself alive. This is his nature. But mother nature works to destroy man and replace him with another man in the great game of evolution. Nature does not wonder or worry. Man worries. But what for? to stay alive. As long as man lives he is always under the spectre or fear of death.The thought of dying never leaves him till his death .
All attempts to escape dath are futile, because death must come. Nolife can come into existence without the death sentence ingrained in it. Try as hard as man may to keep body and soul together but the body must perish . That is the unwritten law of nature. There is only one judgment for life and that is death. When such is the judgement then what should one do during the life span available to one? One should live an egoless life, a life surrendered in god while pursuing one's vocation. The importance of one's vocation cannot overshadow the reality of death.
Every man has to prepare himself for the final judgement that will ultimately extinguish life. What is the best preparation that man can make? For a judgement like death can man have many choices? No, really not. Man has one and only one choice and that is to merge himself in the Original One while Living . Man should not think he is alone, all by himself in this warld. And, throughout his life, every moment of his life , must remember this. Everything else that man does in this world is of no consequence for nothing shall got with him when life ends. Prepare yourself for death by forgetting you are different from the creator. Remember it throughout your life. Remember that your body shall perish but your spirit shall live.
Become spiritual .. Now. Be spiritul as long as you live. Being spiritual is to merge yourself in the creator while living. What better preparation can you make for death? Can you? 15208180005_76206929db_n.jpg


Thank you bro for this article...

Lovely!!!! We are spiritual beings having a human experience... not the other way around!

pleasure :)