
@ryanblue7s If you so say, I guess I'm. It is not like you are going to hurt me with your words. Say what you want to say but it will not change my opinion about the program. It just really makes you look weak and dependent on it for money. That's all. I don't need to refer people to a program as I have money and do not need to take advantage of people like yourself and others. So we can go round and round, but it would be a waste of your time and mine as I'm going to keep making videos that get the small views that you talk about and I'm still going to make the same videos so nothing is going to change. So you have accomplish absolutely nothing except waste your time today!

no i found out how big of a goof you truly are and its saved on this blockchain forever for everyone to see.

@ryanblue7s sounds good. However, all you really did was expose yourself as someone that just recruits people into a program regardless of the consequences. But you are a keyboard warrior that talks a tough game, but if we met face to face I can guarantee you that you would be very humble in my presence just like every other person that pops off when they aren't standing face to face with the other person.

talk a tough game you called me broke and said i buy botted views? The fact that you would threaten violence on another human being shows how mislead you are in life. I never said anything about educing violence you have some real issues man and need to relax.

@ryanblue7s I did not say that you brought views or that you were broke. Please go back in read the response. I said that I do not have to buy views and that I'm not hurting for money. I'm not threatening at. I'm simply stating that if you and I had this conversation face to face you would respect me as I would never let another grown man talk to me any kind of way. That is all that I'm saying. We can agree to disagree. I will continue to make my low count videos and you will continue to promote BitConnect and we will leave it like that. I appreciate the feedback and if you wonder why I do not leave the comments on my videos open, this is a good reason why as things can get taken out of context. This was not the purpose of this discussion and I'm sorry if you felt that I threaten you but that is not the case. I'm a straight up person and I say what is on my mind directly so it was not a threat, just a statement. However, we both have better things to do as we aren't going to change any minds here tonight.