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RE: Why I Buy Bitcoin During Crashes Despite Calling it a Bubble

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The imposition of regulations by governments should not surprise us. The attacks upon crypto at the Davos summit and the widespread attacks upon crypto in the mainstream media reflects the fear that the global elites have of a new technology that threatens their business model. The current crash in global stock markets reflects the rising rates in the bond markets which in turn threatens the world economy. When the world economy enters the next recession big money will rush for the exits from the stock and bond markets. Some of that money will go into gold and silver as it did in 2009-2010 and some of that money may well go into crypto as a long term investment in a new technology that holds major potential for making the world a better place.

You keep calling bitcoin a bubble yet fail to put its rise in value over 2017 in its proper context. World central banks have created billions in cheap money that has gone into propping up stock and bond markets both of which have achieved record highs due to this blatant manipulation of all asset classes . Some of the cheap dough has undoubtedly gone into crypto.

You should address the bigger issue of what happens to crypto when the world economy crashes. The current movements on global bond and stock markets are like the first tremors before an earthquake. They are warning that our current economic model that is wholly dependent upon cheap credit is nearing a major crash. Don't believe me look at the work of economic historians such as:

Jim Rickards -

Dr.Paul Craig Roberts (former assistant secretary to the US treasury) -

David Stockman (Director of the Office of Management and Budget under Reagan) -

Nomi Prins (former managing director at Goldman Sachs/Bear Stearns) -

Dr.Chris Martenson -


Very interesting post, thank you. I am quite new to the crypto world and would like to know your opinion on the usefulness of Bitcoin. Do you see the function in the future as something like being the crypto-gold or do you think Bitcoin will be eaten by alt-coins? I am looking forward hearing from you!

Thank you for your kind comment. I am a historian and have been studying crypto for a while now. Bitcoin was developed in reaction to the 2008 financial crash which showed that the current monetary system was no longer fit for purpose.As the chair of the CFTC has said without Bitcoin there wouldn't have been any blockchain. Bitcoin started this revolution in new technologies. Sadly, in our rapidly changing world you have to invest and innovate to keep up with the times. Facebook looks old and is in need of new ideas as Zuckerberg has admitted otherwise it will go the way of the dodo bird.
Bitcoin's core developers have sat upon their laurels and not been working to develop its potential. Of course, everyone mentions the Lightning Network as Bitcoin's saviour. Even when it is finally introduced it won't seolve all of Bitcoin's problems as Charlie Lee founder of Litecoin has noted.
Bitcoin has first mover advantage in its favour still. It is a household name. However, being first is not the same as being the best. Second and third generation blockchain technologies have come out that have improved upon Bitcoin.
You should pay attention to the so called Flippening whereby Bitcoin may eventually lose its dominant position in the crypto market probably to be replaced by Ethereum.
Check out this website on this subject:

Bitcoin is seen by many as crypto gold but I do not think this was the original vision of its creator see Bitcoin's whitepaper written by Satoshi Nakamoto:

The only thing I would recommend is do as much research as possible before investing hard earned cash into crytpo. Beware of false prophets who make all sorts of ridiculous claims for bitcoin/altcoins. One last thing try to have a varied portfolio of cryptos don't put all your money into just one coin.
Good luck and be careful out there in crypto land.