Bitcoin Will Absolutely BLAST This Month

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitcoin Will Absolutely BLAST This Month.jpg

I want to give you a bitcoin more background on the big one ETF that is actually coming up and white could propel the coins price pretty. well into the you know ten to twelve thousand two even fifteen even twenty thousand dollar area that's a little hard to say how high can actually push the bitcoin. But I'm pretty optimistic myself and I want to go ahead and break down the specifics of the ETF could be a bitcoin more detail. Because I've been talking about it and pass article of kind of said like a big pointy teeth is coming up these companies are probably going to be presenting it. But it hasn't really been all that concrete. so go ahead and get all of you a bitcoin more info like I said in my previous article if you do like this content follow to the searchnew for more each and every day drop this would you like to share with your buddies and follow to the searchnew if you like the content and let's go ahead and get right into the article. so some positive news for big going over the past few weeks come from none other than Goldman. Sachs and blackrock outgoing Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd blank sign will be replaced by David M. sold in her field that the investment banking giant is looking to get into the bitcoin and crypto currencies and he says quote we're clearing some futures around the bitcoin talking about doing some other activities there. But it's going very cautiously he told Bloomberg TV China we're listening to our clients and trying to help our clients as they're exploring those things too meanwhile blackrock the Earth's biggest ETF purveyor has also been rumored to be gain into crypto currencies moreover it look that traders aren't buying the CEOs claims that no client has sought crypto exposure in other rich black records been saying for a while now our clients aren't interesting crypto our clients don't like crypto and people are beginning to suspect that they are in fact lying to essentially hide the actual interest that does exist for Black Rock clients when it comes to investing.

Crypto currency and going off of that on July sixteenth the CEO Black Rock said that there is zero institutional interesting crypto currency and of course all of us. I would say no that that quite simply is not true and for example on July eighteenth grayscale invest publishes the one H. twenty eighteen digital asset investment report. which highlighted that fifty six percent of the two hundred and fifty million dollars raised to date came from institutional investors. so in other words institutional investors are very involved in crypto currencies they're very involved in funding them they want to get their fingers in that pot before it's too late and I really don't blame them but this year old Black Rock is definitely hiding. something here and I think it just goes to show that there is really a ton of interest in investing grifter currencies among institutional investors. so the next thing we need to cover is the fact that regulations are taking shape last week also cite positive aspects of the border FSB. which included the crypto currencies do not pose a threat to the global financial system the FSB is in favor for bus monitoring of the market given the speed at which the technology is developing. However the big take away from this is that global regulatory will likely take a softer stance on the bitcoin and crypto currencies mean while the latest report from the G. twenty even goes as far as to state the crypto currencies can be beneficial to economies were for economies and that report reads quotes technological innovation including the underlying crypto assets has the potential to improve the efficiency and inclusiveness of the financial system and the economy or probably end quote and that is coming from the mouth of the G. twenty members and that is really pretty darn impressive. so in other words it looks like crypto currency is really shaping up in terms of legitimacy people are really taking it seriously now and it is absolutely big news. It's very important these developments will really continue to push for coin upward. so anyway folks that is my take on what exactly is happening with the occurrence of.

Involving the TF I guess I did explain that too closely but basically what it boils down to is Goldman. Sachs and blackrock despite you know trying to hide their interest more with grit their currencies. I do believe that they are cooking up with a little bit of the next couple of months but anyway folks like. I said that is my opinion so you're all of your opinions now down the comments section will let me know all of your thinking check out the searchnew that I will have linked it cut little even more cryptocurrency news it's always good to stand for and it's always important and I have a big.

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Thank You


@searchnew thanks to giving us knowledge about bitcoin bull run , now i am going to buy another Bitcoin after watching your nice video

@searchnew @Bitcoin @ETF is game changer for overall crypto markets. Next step towards making crypto a mainstream investment destination.

Iam waiting for this blast... LOL

I am hoping for that

Image you share looks very pretty.

I love to see Bitcoin on moon

Keep in mind it is a scam set-up on Diego Garcia Island:

#searchnew How much Bitcoin would go to this month according to your knowledge?

I think bitcoin onece again time put down and after than go to moon