Justice Pao Breaking News Today - Message to the Masses about Bitcoin & CryptoCurrency.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Justice Pao Breaking News Today - Message to the Masses about Bitcoin & CryptoCurrency. Revelations 5 Oct 2018

This morning at 10.33am, 5 Oct 2018, I received a message from Justice Pao about Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency and was told to disseminate this information immediately.

Justice Pao said on earth, the global ponzi fiat currency monetary system and casino financial money markets are controlled by hidden powers to be, whom their lust for greed and power is coming to an end, as their dark motives are finally being exposed and the masses becomes smarter.

Having robbed the people for over 100 years, the galactic federation governing this part of the galaxy, including earth, has already decided this is enough of the experiment and a new form of global monetary system need to be in place to eventually take out this ponzi global reserve currency system and free the earth people out of their long bondage.

Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency, utilising Blockchain solutions, is one step further towards this interim objective as earth of slaves need time to adjust to this new monetary system, currently being developed and being tested out since 2008 being Bitcoin was invented.

Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency is a direct challenge to those irresponsible hidden powers of those legally corrupt banking system and power hungry greedy governments, whom either controls those monopoly corporations or corporations that controls them.

It's a new monetary system that will make it more difficult for them to control slavery and enable slaves to have a shot of getting their money back from those whom stolen from them, through the existing global fiat currency monetary system and various money markets they control.

The next Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency bubble is due to start this month Oct 2018 and gradually balloon in Nov, Dec and Jan or Feb of next year before another crash.

This window period provides an opportunity for global monetary slaves to take back what's stolen from them.

Bitcoin peaked at USD19,950 last year December before crashing down to USD5,800 at its rock bottom.

By Dec 2018, it may peak again beyond USD25,000 to some people saying USD100,000.

If you are not greedy like those powerful hidden global bankers, government and the Elites, you may be able to take back those money they stolen from you through the legally corrupted ponzi global monetary system and reserve banking system.

Your choice is your gain, or your lost.

You decide as FreeWill is your only choice to break out from slavery and monetary bondage.

Good Luck !!

Thank you.

David Lim. Revelations. 5 Oct 2018.

Note: All my friends, associates, relatives and even family members thinks I already gone crazy, mad and beyond repair. I told them it is very difficult for normal people to understand extra-ordinary people beyond their limited scope of intelligence because they hardly can tell a genius apart from a mad man.

That's why they remain slaves to the monetary system but think they are the master of it.
