BITCOIN: From triggering the dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ BUY Alert, BITCOIN has seen a growth of no less than x 8.00 to the current price of $3,613.34. Remains STRONG BULLISH..!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)



dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ Screen

BITCOIN dMAs screen.png

BITCOIN triggered a dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ BUY Alert Signal on 11th December 2015 at $451.94.

From triggering the BUY Alert, BITCOIN has seen a growth of no less than x 8.00 to the current price of $3,613.34.

With a current Market Capital of approx. $59.6 billion, BITCOIN maintains the status of being No.1 in the Crypto Currency Market despite the garbage being put out by two bob analysts..!!

We have a maintained a BULLISH recommendation on BITCOIN since 11th December 2015 and will continue to do so indefinitely..!!

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#promo-uk Team

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el bitcoin demostrando que dia a dia esta mas fuerte y aumentando de valor!! ya hoy en dia 3.500$ algo historico

Bitcoin is on an absolutely spectacular run with so much confidence and support behind it. I guess all this talk about bitcoin in a bubble was false as we see it thrive and prosper.
Thanks for the analysis Stephen

You are very welcome. Thanks for the continued support. Stephen

I'm trying really hard to not be super manic excited about my Blockfolio profile, but it is really difficult. I'll just do this here once...HOLY BEJEEBERS, THIS IS GRRREAT!!!
...okay, I will now return to being the Peaceful Hippie Zen Grandma that I usually am or at least I will try :)
PS: Confession...still a little manic ;)

Congrats to all Bitcoin holders! It looks like the bullish pattern will stay for years....

I would like thank you for all useful article you post
And share it with us

You are very welcome. It's my pleasure. Stephen

Can you make a Steem analysis soon? I haven't seen one in a while!

Sure. The last one we did on STEEM was on 22nd July 2017 and I will do an update over the next few days. It is still in a Long Term Bullish pattern and currently sat at around $1.16. Stephen

Shared on twitter. Stephen

Shared on LinkedIn. Stephen

I wish to get a time machine for this Christmas! :)