I fail to see what all the fuss is about. People are still believing the garbage and vomiting diarrhoea of the Mainstream Narrative. Bitcoin remains bullish.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)



Garbage and vomiting diarrhoea of the Mainstream Narrative

I fail to see what all the fuss is about.

People are still believing the garbage and vomiting diarrhoea of the Mainstream Narrative.

With a barrage of garbage reporting and the usual scaremongering tactics of the Mainstream Narrative, people are still falling for the same old crap that is coming out from the Media and passed of as real news..!!

The mind boggles after all we have seen from the Financial Crisis of 2008 that adults are still believing this diarrhoea.

The stark reality is that most people are still clinging onto the total and utter garbage that they are being told by the Mainstream Narrative.

This continue loyalty in a system of deceit, manipulation, lies and fraud simply provides the fuel for the ongoing crisis that we are in right now.

People seriously need to decide, do they want a repeat of the last +45 years and continue to accept the garbage that they are being told, which will take us to a dark, dark, dark future of absolutely no hope, or do they want to grasp a golden opportunity to put an end to the garbage system and a better future?

Bitcoin remains Strong and Bullish

Bitcoin triggered a Strong Buy Alert on 11th December 2015 at $451.94 and this has been repeatedly and consistently reported.

What did people expect? A vertical line straight up?

The long term trend for Bitcoin is still very much in tact and remains Strong and Bullish.

Next time someone tells you that Bitcoin is a fraud, just think what impact it would have if the x100's $trillion of Horse Manure and Worthless Paper Derivatives that are propping up the fake Global System had to be unwound.

The catastrophic result of unwinding these toxic Financial Derivatives is simply unimaginable and would make the 2008 Financial Crisis look like a kindergarten tea party..!!

Thanks again for reading.



Agreed and resteemed

Let people believe in the crap that the mainstream put out I'm going to use it as a buying opportunity, good article thanks

Shared on twitter. Stephen

back to business as usual


It's laughable some of the words used. 'Fraud', ha! Ok! Just carry on printing your paper then and we'll see in time who the real fraudsters are!

After +25 years of investing and understanding the mechanics of the Financial System, when someone tells me something is a fraud knowing they are in a win/win situation having the taxpayer ready to bail them out makes me do the opposite..!! Bitcoin and Blockchain is to Central Banks / Banks / Stock Exchanges/ Clearing Houses & Ratings Agencies what the Steam Engine was to the Horse. It is set to make them all redundant..!! Stephen

That's about all I need to hear to feel comfortable with how things are looking at present. Thanks Stephen!

I agree. FIAT currency is a system that is designed to keep to people indebted to the system. Inflation is a way of reducing your buying power over time. If you can create more money you can ultimately create more debt. Inflation is the illusion of being better off, buying power is truth

Good advice for the new or cautious but if you wait a month you don't get a discount. Investment is risky, its inherent. Just because most if us never played Wall Street doesn't mean we shouldn't learn and somewhat act like them if you're investing not making purchases with Crypto. I do both.

I love your current post. I will share to my friend in twitter and Facebook as well. Regard from Aceh, Indonesia.

I like it when the price drops.. good time to buy up cheap coins ;)

Getting some great deals here thanks guys :P

Thanks for sharing. So chart suggest support at around 2700?