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RE: Why I think Bitcoin Futures are the key to several major retailers accepting Bitcoin
You have a point there.
But what I think, retailers will only start accepting it if it will be stable and have fast transaction confirmation otherwise it is very unlikely to be adopted by them.
I think as compared to bitcoin, steem has more chances.
Gresham's law ( "bad money drives out good" )prevents BTC from being used as money. When you have continually devaluating fiat. There is no good reason to use a defaltionary, possible store of wealth currency for normal purchases. Unless you just have too many of BTC, which may be the case for a few people.

You must not have seen all the whale humping going on in steemit, which some call raping the rewards pool. If you were a major retailer, do you want your profits linked in any way to all the crap that goes on in No way.
STEEM was never intended as a store of value, which is in part needed for a reliable payment tool. People complain about POW using too much electricity. But STEEM uses Proof Of Brain, which lets the sleazy whales rape the rewards pool. Not much security in that system.
I agree 💯👍 just followed you
There is Segwit and lightening network to fix the scaling problem which is becoming more poular, this would likely cause many retailers to start adopting Bitcoin.