Say What??? Facebook Bans ALL Bitcoin, ICO and Other Crypto Advertising

in #bitcoin7 years ago


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Did you see this? Facebook made the decision to ban ALL (yes, I’m using all caps to emphasize) ads related to Bitcoin, ICOs, and other Cryptocurrencies. Well, this video is my rant talking about that.

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I think that DTube has it right. No censorship. Be sure to visit DTube and let people know what you think of it.

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What do you think? Do you agree with Facebook? Watch the video and let me know below what you think in your comments. I really look forward to hearing from you, my fellow Steemians on this one.

Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional
[email protected]
+1-407-363-0505 (Orlando, Florida, USA)

Steemit - @terrybrock


I refuse to believe that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and all the big-box corporate websites would censor a competitor, even if they offer a better idea. Say it ain't so, Joe!

I think it will be temporary.

I'm thinking you might be right. They tended to indicate that without saying it. Time will tell. Thanx for the comment!

Seems they may have save some people from this current Blood bath.

Their platform -> their rules.

I believe they are being dictatorial, regressive and stupid, but its their choice.

Facebook has A LOT TO FEAR, and fearful entities do stupid things (like censorship).

Let the dinosaur die...

Next thing you know they will come up with their own coin and try to compete with steem.

FUD.... suckie-berg can suck on it /// protecting grannies and aunties from the crypto boogie man

the war is on !!

I agree with your comment to some extent. However, I strongly in a favor of Facebook to ban all ICOs or anything related to crypto on their platforms, because this is how they stop scamming ICOs.

They will loose a lot of revenue from those ads, but they show you that they care about people on their platform. If you want to learn about new ICOs, go to specific page for them.

Brilliant post thank you for posting that. I hope to see you around here again!

That's hilarious! They just are doing this so they make the profit from cryptocurrency, not others. Quite a smart business move in my eyes.

crypto ads are kind of annoying

Great news, the more they ban the more will leave their insidious platform.

I think they just want to protect their users from scamming ICOs, which is in my opinion, totally legit.

You got my full upvote, thanks for the good content!

Thank you very much for your full upvote, @blockchainttmft. I appreciate it. Nice to have you come over to visit.

Happy to see Dtube getting used more often on Steemit here.
I reckon it's just a matter of time before FB enable some sort of crypto advertising. I think China is a similar story - ban everything to start with then slowly start making things legal as they get a hand on things.

That makes sense. I think they have a proclivity to ban first, then slowly add back a few options. Time will tell.

Mark stole the idea of Facebook from the Winklevoss twins, and now that the twins are killing it with bitcoin he wants to ban it on his site and possibly create his own cryptocurrency....nothing original about Mark at all him and his FBIbook
