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RE: HDX20 the token that always rises in value

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Please do not listen to Igster. He is trying to destroy my credibility on this platform for some unknown reason. There is risk in this platform, and I will be writing a future post to discuss the potential risk here, but there is also opportunity here. Please do your own research before you invest.


"He is trying to destroy my credibility on this platform"

You're doing it all by yourself. Do you think anyone with any experience in financial world takes you serious after claim like

"HDX20 is simply the token that never goes down in price. 1 minute from now the price of this token could be higher. How is this possible? Well, everytime you buy, sell, transfer the token, or play their games the price of the token goes up."

You don't need any help, when you're going around saying stuff like this.

You are a liar and a scammer

Why won't you edit your original post to show that there's risk?

"HDX20 is simply the token that never goes down in price."

"There is risk in this platform"

These two seem to be contradicting statements, no?