My Top 23 Crypto Youtubers - Might be Helpful for You Guys! Who are your favorite?

in #bitcoin4 years ago

My Favorite Crypto Youtubers...

I have been in the crypto invironment for many years but now is the time to share knowledge and experience before the next big bull run! I hope you do NOT invest in crypto ONLY, as entrepreneurship and programming on different blockchains is the path to success for most of you.

I want to share some of my favorite crypto YouTubers and at the same time I am curious to hear what you guys are
watching / listening to?

My Top 23 Crypto Youtubers

  • Aantonop (Andreas Antonopoulos)
  • Crypto Daily
  • Ivan On Tech
  • The Moon
  • Altcoin Daily
  • Chico Crypto
  • The Modern Investor
  • Datadash
  • Alessio Rastani
  • Crypto Zombie
  • Crypto Lark
  • Tone Vays
  • To the lifeboats
  • Altcoin buzz
  • Nugget's News
  • Working money channel
  • Mineable
  • Kevin Cage
  • Simon Dixon
  • Block Digest
  • Coingeek
  • craigwrightDOTnet
  • MM Crypto