Stop Crying or you'll Be a 80 y/old, walking the dog, no house mother FCUKER!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Sorry for the reference to an old Eddy Murphy skit as I don't wish to make light of the terrible announcement by the Australian Government and further roll out of the global "War on Cash".

For the moment, I live in Melbourne Australia and can't express enough how embarrassed I am to call this place home. I have worked in the car industry for a long time and have since stopped swapping my time for money and now earn my money online full time these days. Not saying I did not enjoy a good career in the industry in sales and later finance. But you hear a story here and there which makes you think (one would hope so) about trends and where the market is heading. For example, I having many years experience specifically with large 4WD vehicles sales, I was asked a few years ago to support a manufacturer's stand and answer questions at a caravan and camping show. Although I only spent a day or two working there I very quickly confirmed further what I had already heard trending in sales at my dealership from the clients. Older and or retired people were spending their money that they had in the bank on things they have always wanted like large 4WD's and Caravans to take that road trip around Australia they always wanted to one day experience. And what a nice thing to be able to do I thought! At first.....

Okay I am am old school salesperson at heart, but not in the sense of the high pressure stereotype that would probably jump to mind for many by me saying that. Rather, I was trained to have two ears and one mouth and that I should use these blessings in that proportion when dealing with customers. I was lucky to have some fantastic mentors. So here I am at this caravan show with 50x the walk in traffic and it became apparent from the customer's comments that an identical sentiment ran through their comments like,"Might as well spend my money because I'm not getting paid any interest", or "Might as well enjoy our money now because I can't spend it when I'm dead". This of course piqued my curiosity. I took a walk around and spoke to some of the caravan manufacturers while at the show and found out $40,000AU almost got you nothing as a caravan to my surprise. Further conversations revealed that even used caravans had not only been appreciating in value, but quite strongly! I was aware these retired people had been cutely labelled "The Grey Nomads" and I dealt with them every day, but at that caravan show I got some further confirmation as to why the trend was happening. More importantly, the underlying economic reasons WHY it was happening - No ROI on their savings due to the Banksters and their low interest rate policies.


Back at the dealership I found myself chatting with these older clientele and digging a bit further about their outlook and it seemed many felt they had listened to all the financial advisers, done all the "things you are supposed to do" in their working career and were entirely frustrated. In one case a client told me that they had to move from their inner suburb family home because the value of the home had inflated so much in value that it impacted negativity on their Government "means test" to qualify for the age pension. They were a beautiful older couple and you could tell they were absolutely still sweethearts in the way they playfully bickered and taunted one another. But I remember the wife's facial expression changed, as the conversation turned toward the family home where they raised their kids. Because of Government interference and arbitrary property tax/council rates notices which showed their property had inflated in value they would have to report capital gain, even though they had not sold the home. You could tell there was a lot of memories and sentimental value attached for her. The true value of the home was not it's monetary value - not to her.

Many years have passed since these specific examples and I have since learned there is something wrong with what we call "money", the banking system, the government and since turned of my TV a long time ago in search of true knowledge in every area of my life and in particular, money. Not saying money is the most important thing in life, it most certainly is not. But it affects every area of our life we choose to feel is important. After taking on more understanding with my search for understanding, like many I found the Austrian economics school of thought and a deeper knowledge of what is happening in places like Venezuela, then India's ban on cash. And today I see this article in Australia...

AU ban on cash.PNG

I can see what the plan is by the government now. So, you have elderly pensioners in Australia who have saved a little each week outside the banking system in cash (usually in 100 dollar bills). The government calls it (and some idiots in our Channel9 local news chat) "hoarding" and "not the doing the right thing by the community".

Well I call that simply saving!

These are our parents and grandparents who have paid taxes all their life. One could certainly say they above all others have paid their dues to their community - if there actually were such a thing!?! So, onto my theory. There is paper (plastic actually) cash saved personally in people's homes and outside the banking system. It's not ill-gotten gains, merely savings, with the rare exception, but almost entirely TAX PAID savings. The government's plan is to induce the pensioners to literally bring out the "money in the mattress" per Se and deposit it into a bank account so the government can include these funds in a "means test" to establish how much age pension they are to receive. Essentially, this will reduce their age pension and save the government money. But how will this be done and why will it work? You only have to look to India and what they have recently done to kill cash in their economy resulting in chaos and in the most serious case suicides by banning the two highest denominated notes in circulation.

I digress (sorry)....

So we have un-chipped $100 bills in the mattress. They blame, of course, Terrorism as an excuse to put a chip in the new $100 bills, rendering the old bills worthless. People rush to deposit their cash into a bank account before they lose their money. The goal is not to track the $100 bills, it never was. The real goal is purely a means to render the old bills worthless and to control and manipulate the current holders of these bills. All $100 bills will be out of circulation eventually - It's a trick. Putting these "chips" into the notes puts the supply of money back in control of the big banking interests.

rothchild quote.jpg

Thanks for reading if you got this far!

Best regards and please share this information,



You have a keen eye, and are on the right track. This form of manipulation is disgusting, and should be made totally illegal. There needs to be a way for us, the common man, to end this form of tyranny before we lose all our freedoms. I fear that all out war may be our only option to get our freedom back, but then we would be the terrorists. But hey the grass roots movement of the colonies formed America, so we may be on the cusp of a new revolutionary war to form a world without this gross form of manipulation.

Thanks for the reply. The people will win in the long term and the answer will come from technology I believe. It might not seem like it in the face of what the banks and governments are trying to pull, but people are beginning to wake up.

I am your follower :) and u know that ? your posts are super, post more like these! @ronaldmcatee