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RE: r/bitcoin has gone full North Corea

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I view it as a poor attempt to manipulate the Bitcoin community, but as I said it is ultimately going to fail. I think that Bitcoin community is very aware of the problems that resulted from government interference, corruption etc. and not stupid enough to walk into an obvious trap like that.

Well, if someone with vested interest in fiat was to manipulate the Bitcoin community, I believe they would try to divide the community and manipulate both camps to bitterly oppose any kind of compromise (BIP-100, BIP-102, Hong Kong agreement, SegWit2X), as well as inventing ideas suitable for derailing the Bitcoin project (such as BIP-148 and Bitcoin Cash), and manipulating people to embrace such ideas. Oh. We have already constantly been going into the trap for two years if not more.


Well, there is one important distinction between the attempts of manipulation now and how it was in the past. The blockchain makes it possible to roll back mistakes. Hardforks do not destroy Bitcoin core and Bitcoin core can be maintained indefinitely. If it maintains the highest structural integrity it will always be the default fall-back option for everyone.