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RE: Bitcoin Futures Trading Can Not Be Good

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

stay in the gray, I agree with you 100%. Spotted the banksters manipulating Gold Futures a few years ago, before Eric Holder fined them for it. Of course, a few rogue traders in the UK were fired, some fines paid, but no bank executives went to jail or were fired. Futures and Options on bitcoins is an attempt control before it hits a $1 Trillion in market cap. Though for my trading style, Bitcoin derivatives will generate a lot of weekly cashflow. Will be evaluating my crypto mining weekly returns against my derviative trades going forward. In 2018, I expect the Crypto ETF's will be last chance for retail investors to participate in this space. My hope is that my kids really get the bug on either mining or investing in cryptos and to avoid the yoke's of big debt and taxes.


I got in to crypto because I dont have a 401k or IRA. I could never get enough cash together to use a financial adviser or investor, nor would i ever want to. I dont trust the stock market or wall street and the criminal bankers. Crypto was designed for people just like me and now those assholes want to steal that too. Thry have the greed disease and dont care if they ruin the world to get their money and power. I dont believe the good guys are gonna let the bad guys take crypto from us. Thats a very simplified statement. I think 2018 is going to see crypto values explode. my daughter is four and she absolutely love what she calls "doing bitcoin" with me. Every crypto i get is essentially for her in the long run anyway. and your right to want your kids to get involved and learn about it now because i think it is where the future will take us. Im working on a hard drive tower for mining myself and will teach my daughter all about it so she will always be able to generate income easily. It sounds like you have a lot more technical knowledge and experience than I do so you kids are lucky to have you to learn from and teach them. If you write about your day to day operations and things like that i would be happy to follow you and learn from you myself. THank you for reading my post and commenting Traderdad. Best wishes

Stay in the gray, I write a weekly musing on the markets and cryptos. While I am done for my musing this year, will restart in Jan 2018. As my youngest daughter and I explore mining her experience will be documented and shared too. traderDad