RE: Market Overview and Bitcoin Futures
Tub Cat is still holding tight onto his Bitcoin and is about to receive his first payment of SBD and Steem which he will hold on to very dearly. Tub Cat is of the belief that Bitcoin will go on another surge throughout February however maybe a more informed individual such as yourself may have a better insight.
Tub Cat loves EOS! And owns a small amount that was purchased while it was below $10. What are your thoughts on IOTA? Tub Cat bought this some time ago, however it has not moved and Tub Cat cannot explain why it is doing so poorly of late.
Tub Cat is very impressed at the quality of your post. So impressed that he has pushed the little green squishy thing with an upwards pointing arrow to show his appreciation.
Tub Cat strives to encourage the production of quality content on Steemit, and has made it is mission to both reward quality content and also offer advice to new comers about how to best go about producing quality content.
Tub Cat has enjoyed your post and encourages you to keep producing such excellent content! (but is missing the beer that is normally in these posts)