
Who made you everybody's parent? People learn from their failures. Let them fail.
You can make an effort to educate without being a flagging ninny. Thanks for the flag by the way, I've decided to give myself a 100% vote to offset it.

Edit: There's a good kernel of an idea in your article but it doesn't account for smug people suffering from DKE throwing their weight around to silence dissenters. Anyway I take it you didn't like me saying that posts from @haejin are valuable. Value is in the eye of the beholder. That's why markets exist so that no one person or group dictates the rate of exchange. Hate coffee? Good, don't buy any ever. That and don't begrudge the value other people put in it.

I know its getting emotional here. Only like this you can make a bigger point.
I just spread the WORD and the VOTE.

Edit: if somebody or a group puts to much value in a coffee i would just try to produce this coffee a little bit cheaper. But with posts i can not ignore it that people just follow it because of fakevalue. And i think the free market of votes decides the value of a post.

@bernie and his bots and spam accounts taking huge returns in comparison to haejin is not abuse. Do yourself a favour and click on his top accounts and see what they are making for continuously posting things like 'SBD' nothing else in the post. That is what is and will destroy steemit not haegin. I personally have made a fortune from learning from haejin and although you may disagree with his posts, they are informative for those who follow him. Every post has tutorials linked to it and those that include video have a tutorial segment 9 times out of 10. Haejin didnt hand me a fish and say come back tomorrow for some more. He taught me how to fish and I now look after myself.

We're cool. Glad to have the conversation.

I know. Glad too.

such sad pathetic little things you all are. keep on flagging @bernie and crew, I for one dont care. Show your pathetic followers where you actually use your voting power that they pay you for

such sad pathetic little things you all are. keep on flagging @bernie and crew, I for one dont care. Show your pathetic followers where you actually use your voting power that they pay you for