BitCoin to hit $25,000 USD by Christmas 2017 - Rumor or FACT???steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


At the time of writing this article the Bitcoin prices are

Dec 17th 2017
7:44 EST


I am a member of an elite coding team known as CORE. Coders Of Reverse Engineering. You may remember us at the freakers, tweakers and breakers of old software title and games. Many times people would buy a game or program and within a short period of time the company and support would go in to the dust bin of history. CORE would reverse engineer the keys that unlock that software and make it available anonymously. We are the original hackers. The word hacker has lost its true meaning and is considered an acronym for criminal elements. The CORE team is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom in the digital realm.


During our annual meetup in August of 2017 there was a buzz about BitCoin. Many of the members of the CORE team had predicted that BitCoin was going mainstream. They predicted a ludicrous uptick in price. The price was already at $2750. Many though it was a bubble and about to burst. Even Jamie Diamond of Chase bank was spewing the death call of BitCoin. However CORE members saw through the bull excrement and noticed a trend associated with the value (people) behind BitCoin.


The value behind BitCoin is people. This asset is immediately discarded by the plantation owners (aka. the Banks). However the Banks pledged the unborn people as collateral against a crippling fiat currency known as the United States Dollar in 1913. Yes, the formation of The Federal Reserve Bank coupled with the Social Security collateral system pledged you and your unborn as collateral against a cash system that was designed to enslave all. You are victims and slaves of a negative fiat cash system.


The public became aware of this scheme during its formation so the plantation owners (Banks) outlawed Gold and thus robbed the population of their ability to accumulate wealth. For 104 years this system enslaved the population and brought great debt to the country to the tune of 20 Trillion in debt. Then the arrival of an obscure decentralized digital currency finally took hold. The era of BitCoin hatched from its small simple beginning to the worlds largest digital crypto currency.


The CORE team was the first to see and predict (with high accuracy) the ongoing barrier breaking trends of BitCoin. Big Banks said the currency would hit $5,000 in a year then the bubble would burst. CORE predicted that it would reach $5,000 by mid- October 2017. The price of BitCoin hit over $5,000 on October 12th 2017. Just 3 days earlier than predicted by CORE.

By mid November the target price is set at $7000. BitCoin again broke the barrier before the deadline of November 15th 2017. BitCoin was trading at $7,101.70 on November 2nd 8:00 pm 2017. The CORE team quickly realized that the value was growing exponentially faster than market prediction service could accurately predict. The BitSplunk project was born.

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BitSplunk provides the original BitCoin application (available for free at written in QT) and the infamous BitCoin Ledger. Although the application is free it can take several weeks to several months to update the blockchain ledger. You can use the BitCoin Core application to get the ledger or use BitSplunk Accelerator. This wait is the main reason many people go to services like Coinbase.


Coinbase is an online wallet that is centralized. Although it is convenient you loose your freedom and security. This service actually works against the BitCoin model. It is designed to work like a Bank. At anytime your wealth and assets could be seized and you have no control. It experiences a lot of outages and very long wait times. If you buy BitCoins with your bank account it takes 8 days to show up. If you sell BitCoins it takes 4 days to get your money. It has all the earmarks of a centralized Bank taking the steeple to slaughter.


I am mentioning these facts because the next predictions of $25,000 by Christmas 2017 is fast approaching. CORE predicted that by Christmas the $25,000 thresh hold would be reached. The CORE team accurately predicted the $10k and $15k barrier levels as well. The barriers were broken 7 days before the prediction deadline. This crypto currency monster is surging.


When President Trump said "you will get tired of winning..." he was talking about the fiat currency. The US economy is now turning around. The BitCoin surge is the world shaking off the chains of bondage and taking back their freedom from the Beast (The Federal Reserve Bank). Just yesterday Janet Yellen was forced to step down from the Federal Reserve. Times they are a changing.


As the new BitCoin high approaches there is plenty of profit to be reaped. If only you had gotten the BitCoin Core software and the ledger months ago! You could get in on this next surge. There is over $5,000 to gain. It is predicted to the reach the next level of $25,000 in the next 8 days. BitSplunk has the BitCoin ledger on a download accelerator. What would take you weeks to download can be delivered to your computer in just a couple of hours. That is all I am going to plug on that service. The site is designed to help those sheeple in the corals of Coinbase and other centralized exchanges from getting sheered and slaughtered. You could be trading with complete freedom, security and lower fees in just a couple of hours.


The CORE team has been around for 27 years. Other associates like John McAfee have predicted that BitCoin will go to 1 million dollars a coin. John is the maker of the infamous McAfee anti-virus. Bill Gates has his fee free IOTA that is rising in value like BitCoin. The NEO coin is the Chinese crypto currency poised for one of the greatest world buys in history. China has over 251 Trillion in Crypto waiting to come on to the global scape and fund everything from new businesses to your local yard sale.


The NEW NEW WORLD ORDER has arrived. The sycophants that enslaved people with their fiat currency did not plan on BitCoin. They did not plan on a Technocracy forming quietly around their wagons. They did not understand that the lights that ascended from the sky were space ships and did not need their mules and wagons to fund the break away society. The Wagoneers are now made obsolete. Just like an old toy that has lost its luster they have now been discarded. The age of religious, financial and political control has drawn to an end. The Pyramid of control has been bought and turned in to a kiddy ride for the old tired Wagoneers.


Use the BitCoin Core application from to control your BitCoin wealth. Otherwise you are putting your wealth and security back in the hands of those that have enslaved you for over 10 decades.



We'll see what happens over the next few weeks. Whatever direction it goes, the rise of bitcoin is definitely not finished yet.

One clear way of looking at the situation is NOT to view it as a rise in the value of cryptocurrency, but as a FALL in the value of fiat currency. So, over the past year, the US$ (and other fiat currencies) have begun their final plunge in value, to their intrinsic value of nothing.

Those fiat currencies are currently still far overvalued. So, we can expect further moves such as those we have already seen this past year.

p.s. It's "Jamie Dimon" (not Diamond). And his bank is "JPMorgan Chase" (not Chase). :-)

Yea I know... I do not want to be too accurate and get sued ;-) Thanks for the read

OK, I see. Thanks for the post!

I like your quote "to their intrinsic value of nothing." Some how they managed to take it from nothing to negative 20 trillion nothing.

It has to be the MK Ultra Mind Control they flashed on the closing day credits of old TV broadcast. A very cool video demonstrating this can be viewed here.

(Not my YouTube account)

I think the only reason they got away with a fraud so large is a combination of chemical, visual and audio mind control. Once the technology got to the point where it surpassed this old trick the whole thing started to come apart. About mid 2014 the blinders came off and people started waking up.

Who would willingly work for an empty glass that never can be filled? Think about it. A single glass sits on a table. You fill it up 20 trillion times and it is still empty. Then I tell you that because it is empty its worth something. A total mind scrape.


Actually, that quote is a standard phrase used nowadays by various observers to describe a simple truth. Paper (or digital) fiat money that is not backed by gold is essentially just worthless paper.

I have researched the whole pile of corruption with a man named Jordan Maxwell. He is a historian that has vast knowledge of the truth. Even the CIA hires him occasionally to purge themselves of lies. You know, drinking your own home brew of Jones Town Kool-aid is not good for you.

Our money is not actually worthless. It was moved off the gold standard in 1971 by "Tricky Dick" Nixon. It was then converted to the Petrol Dollar. the world used to be backed by British sterling. Then they switched to the US Dollar. Worldwide markets have a central currency they compare other to.

In 2012 there was a closed door meeting with all the worldwide leaders except the United States. It was a discussion on moving the world on to the Yuan instead of US Dollars.

The US Dollar is a petrol backed dollar. meaning they say its worth something because they know there is still oil in the ground. They do not mention that it does not all belong to us.

Muammar Gaddafi of Syria was building a competing petrol dollar. The CIA had a meeting with curators of the country. They discussed the national treasures of Syria such at the biblical scrolls and gold. About 6 months later we started bombing them and Muammar Gaddafi was shot in the street like a dog. He messed up when he attended the UN meetings.

Our currency is backed by Oil futures and War. Hardly worthless but definitely blood money. In a moral aspect it is truely worthless and the root to a lot of democide by the government.

Democide is a term revived and redefined by the political scientist R. J. Rummel as "the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder".

Fiat currency has the inherit cost overhead. It starts out in the negative. A penny costs 3 cents to manufacture. It takes several thousand dollars of infrastructure to protect that penny. The transportation, armed guards, vaults and accounting all are included in that over head. It is a bad business model that was thought to work for about 95 years. At year 94 the 2007 housing collapse started. 10 years later we now have a replacement currency system. That is crypto currency and BitCoin.

Much of what you say is fact, but unfortunately, most people have no idea. I was gonna call you on your assertion about the "petrodollar," since it's essentially back by NOTHING – except the full faith and credit of the US. Oh, that's nothing.

Then I read your statement "backed by Oil futures and War." I definitely agree that it is backed by war, whether that be financial warfare or military warfare.

Gaddafi was not the only one slaughtered because of an intention to sell oil in euro or other currency beside the USD. Saddam had a similar plan. The pattern is clear.

I think I chose the wrong wording. My point was it is backed by the data collected by known liars, that always lie, always will lie. So why would they be telling the truth now? Our money is so worthless the absurdity of it brings value to it. Like a circus side show that you do not really want to see but it is so ridiculous you can not help but participate.

Our dollars worth is backed by lies, debt (20 trillion), war and idiots. One cow turd is a nuisance a whole mountain is worth millions as fertilizer. Their mentality is if you put enough worthlessness in one concentration it has great value. A whole lot of nothing is worth something a little is worth nothing.

A prison planet and we are born in to slavery. They never ended slavery they only refined the chains and cells.