Hey Friends! Time flies... | New Crypto Website | Vibrant Yogini

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)


So it's been almost two weeks since I last posted. It feels like it's been longer!


What have I been up to?

I have three main projects going on at the moment, which have been taking up much of my time. Luckily I use automation tools for other platforms which frees up my time to focus, however I haven't automated anything on Steemit yet!

I will write a brief overview of my current projects to keep you in the loop, as I do feel that I have ignored you all (sorry!)


Project 1 - Blockchain Bullion . io

I am excited to finally reveal a project I have been working on because we have finally launched today.

Visit: www.blockchainbullion.io to learn more about this project.

In total, this website took me 10 days to build and create the content (alongside working on the second project below).

This was totally an ad-hoc project, and I literally stopped initially working on anything else for 3 days solid to get the majority of it set up.


Project 2 - Samantha Marketing

This was always a project that was on my mental roadmap for the year. However, through my health and wellness brand, I often get approached by sports brands to become an ambassador for them. I generally don't, as I only work with specific brands and I am fairly busy so I have to be picky and realistic. However, I have agreed to start working with a sports brand in London, especially since I am living in the U.K. for at least a year, and (to cut a long story short), I am also helping this company out with their online marketing later this year once they have launched their new product line.

Because of this, I had to organise my pricing earlier than expected, which then led me onto creating my business plan and then setting up my website. Over the last two weeks I have built the website, written 6 x 3000 word corner stone articles, and I am now just waiting on planning all the content for my social media platforms and to get specific images created for the headers of the website before launching this to the public.

I have a background in digital marketing from before I went traveling, and it is always something that I genuinely enjoy. Therefore, I was planning on setting up an independent business to help brands in the fitness, health and wellness niche thrive online!

I estimate that the website will be live in a maximum of 2 weeks.

If you want to check it out in a few weeks it will be: www.samanthamarketing.com


Project 3 - Vibrant Yogini

My passion!

While I was traveling, I wanted to build something around my love and passion, which is health and wellness for the mind body and soul of course!

When I started the brand, I was extremely busy in my day job at the time, so it was always a work in progress.

However, I slowly built my brand and started blogging while teaching yoga.

Earlier this year I decided to write an ebook. Originally it was going to be a short book. Yet when I started writing, I just had a lot to say and go through that I have ended up writing about 30,000 words and it isn't finished!

So once I finish my marketing project, I will then finish writing the ebook and then completely redesign my yoga website.

I am really excited about reaching this stage of my roadmap as the revamp of my vibrant yogini website is long overdue and I can't wait to put all my ideas into a reality!


Anyway, I just thought I would update you all and give you an explanation as to why I have not been posting on social media lately!

I had to prioritise my time! Now I suppose I better get back to finishing all of my projects!!!

Have a lovely week and namaste!




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Congrats and good luck!

Love seeing how people get started on new projects.

Thank you! Yes I felt obliged to comment on why I have been so silent! I am working so hard behind the scenes to try to get all these projects wrapped up. Its the planning and building that takes the most time, once it is all setup, maintenance is a lot easier :) For that reason I have had to put my yoga videos on the back burner until I have finished these projects :)

Hope you are well :D

Sounds fun! Keep spreading the love, namaste =)

Just keep flowing.