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RE: Why Bitcoin Is Much Like Religion

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Dependence on AI could become the next religion. A person could claim that with powerful analytics and by eing uniased, AI could be the best guide in morality and ethics and start an AI cult where an-made AI becomes the Lord and Savior and the judge of of judges.

It's really scary and really plausible.


it's like Psycho-Pass where the AI sybal(I don't how to spell it) decided everthing about a person's life .
I have to say it your profile picture really fits by your comment . Indeed a scary plausibility

The scary aspects is in the implementation. I know people who ruined their education because of computers, internet and smartphones. Me on the other hand improved myself through technology. Some people are trying to make a master-god instead of servant-god. Harmony is also a great example of this:

It's basically a medical utopia created by WHO which is so bad you'd think Mad Max to be a better world to live in. It was written by Project Itoh while in a hospital dying from cancer and the story itself is pretty much about a world that has become a tyrannical hospital which one cannot escape from.

It's spelled Sibyl: and I picked my profile picture after some real thought and meaning. Also Nirvana is used synonymously with moksha (Sanskrit), also vimoksha, or vimutti (Pali), "release, deliverance from suffering". (,_Mukti) vimukthi is an alternative spelling for vimutti.

It's basically a medical utopia created by WHO which is so bad you'd think Mad Max to be a better world to live in.
That bad ? they have beaten death and aging what's all the fuss about .
Life with no disease and death is amazing right? It's heaven. Well, for most peole that is. Being watched and trapped by system made Miach, a friend of Tuan Kirie(our protagnist), felt that she lost her identity and freedom. Finally, Miach along with Kirie and one of her friend decided to commit suicide. Tuan was saved, but Miach was reported dead.
They were basically immortal ,they had all the time in the world to bring down the system. They could wait for centuries for the right moment to strike ,mean while develop some usefull skill and also try to hold on your individuality(sound to easy I know) make some kind of beacon to hold on to.

I have watched Mad max fury ,I don't know what to think about .The action was really good,but the ratio action and storyline was quite out balance ,but nonetheless I liked it ,3 stars of 5

That's a well thought username ,it's fitting .Speaking of buddhism related matter
which colour of the lotus followers appeals to you .I remember once that you told me that your middle name lotus .So I researched the meaning lotus and stumbled on this

The color bears importance in the meaning of the lotus flower in Buddhism. A white lotus flower refers to purity of the mind and the spirit. If a lotus flower is red, it refers to compassion and love. The blue lotus flower refers to the common sense; it uses wisdom and logic to create enlightenment. The pink lotus flower represents the history of Buddha and the historical legends of the Buddha. A purple lotus flower speaks of spiritual awakening and mysticism. Finally, the gold lotus flower represents all achievement of all enlightenment, especially in the Buddha
So I out of curiousity I ask which colour of the lotus would you pick really clicks with you,I have a idea.

My username was inspired by a book character and my profile picture is a depection of the character