BTC to USD predictions for December 2018. In the beginning price at 35493 Dollars.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Jan 12040-13852 12946 -5.1% -5.1%
Feb 11425-13145 12285 -5.1% -9.9%
Mar 12285-15249 14251 16.0% 4.5%
Apr 14251-17688 16531 16.0% 21.2%
May 16531-20518 19176 16.0% 40.6%
Jun 16507-19176 17749 -7.4% 30.1%
Jul 17749-22030 20589 16.0% 50.9%
Aug 20589-25555 23883 16.0% 75.1%
Sep 23883-28223 26377 10.4% 93.4%
Oct 26377-32739 30597 16.0% 124%
Nov 30597-37978 35493 16.0% 160%
Dec 30027-35493 32287 -9.0% 137%