The in bitcoin's price has jumped again.breaking the 4.308 USD MARk.with 4k in sight

in #bitcoin8 years ago


Chaos is coming. The regulators are about to crack down on Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). The Token Exchange Self-Regulating Board ( is trying to get ahead of this by helping the industry to clean up its act before the regulators take down half the industry.

ICOs are completely out of hand. People are raising insane sums of money by misleading newly rich crypto investors... then making off with huge chunks of the funds. Often there is nothing behind these ICOs but a kid in her parent's basement.

This could cause panic in the industry if exchanges start delisting everything out of an abundance of caution - or plain fear of being shut down by regulators.

So the TXSRB is aiming to head off this disaster by taking the following steps:

Working to clarify what is clearly not a security according to the Howie Test, i.e.,
-- Did people make and investment?
-- Is there a common enterprise?
-- Did they expect a growth outcome?
Publishing a Clean Token List of coins that fit that non-security category.
Providing free guidance to all ICO issuers on how to clean up and pass the test.
Providing consulting services to clean up Toxic ICOs.
Eventually publishing their much longer Black List of ICO's that need to clean up and clean up fast.

The good news is that Bitcoin, BitShares and Steemit
are on the Clean Token List
This is a huge vaccination against uncertainty and delisting that could impact prices.

John Stotts and Michael Taggart did a watershed interview where they explain all this here:

The SEC's Coming Crackdown

This will both shake up and ultimately save the industry during the next three months.

Pay attention.


Stan Larimer, President
The Godfather of BitShares and the HERO

About the Author -- Stan Larimer

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Just yesterday, I came to know about a shocking incident on Steemit.I saw that you downvoted 3 posts of @officialfuzzy to just zero.Seeing this I wondered,"Why would Ned, the Founder and CEO of Steemit downvote the very same hangouts posts, which were once the discussion platform for the birth of Bitshares and Steemit!! What could go wrong in a year, that you would leadNed to do this".

Later officialfuzzy told us that it could be because of some personal issues between him and you.But sir, I just want to make you aware that you didn't cause any harm to officialfuzzy but only to minnows like me and the Steemit community in general.The posts you downvoted were contest posts where I also entered in hopes of winning some prize and grow myself on the Steemit platform.Like me many others also participated.And now, even if fuzzy rewards the winners from his own pocket, it is not certain if he would do it again in future.After all who would like to reward people from their own pockets.Everyone is here to earn and only earn and not for charities.But yes, if members like fuzzy earn, then they make sure that at least some (actually a lot more) rewards go back to the community.With his rewards many artists, writers and developers show up and contribute towards to the whole of steemit community.His hangouts, which also you downvoted have led to the existence of many great projects like Bitshares and Steemit, which we all are proud of.Aren't we Ned?Apart from these he also empowered minnows and dolphins to launch their own community tokens.It led to @nepd launch "Hairshares", which allows steemit members to donate their hair for the cancer patients;@rideofpassion launch "Voiceshare", which will help people with depression to speak up and get the much needed support from the community;@rawbinhutt launch LFNcoin which helps people of particular interests to find other such people on steemit;and so many other projects which were launched before I even joined Steemit (I joined in May 2017).And how can we forget the whaleshares and beyondbits projects by fuzzy, which enable Steemit members to make their good posts more visible and reach to a wider audience.They are also used as rewards for various contests on Steemit, which are hosted not only by fuzzy, but also anyone who has beyondbits or whaleshares.Some examples are @patelincho and @jphendersonwhich helps undervalued posts of minnows to be recognized and rewarded.And many other members of whaleshare community do the same.I also intend to host such contests when I have enough whaleshares or beyondbits