Bitcoin semi-anonymity

in #bitcoin4 years ago


Interested readers have also discovered that although Bitcoin uses an asymmetric encryption algorithm, my transactions will still be viewed by all nodes. Research shows that Bitcoin can still find the initiator and receiver of a transaction through those seemingly random strings. Can refer to
Bitcoin's anonymity is actually traceable. Finding "identity marking points" can easily target targets
So we can boldly say that Bitcoin is a "semi-anonymous" digital currency.

In addition to anonymity, the privacy of each address is almost impossible to guarantee. Because every transaction in Bitcoin will be publicly recorded on the blockchain ledger, anyone can check it. As long as you analyze the transactions that have occurred in each address, you can discover the relationships between many accounts.

Bitcoin transactions are to record the amount of money transferred between various addresses, and usually have one or more address inputs, corresponding to one or more address outputs. For example: A has to pay 10 bitcoins to B, and A has 3 addresses, each with 4 bitcoins (4+4+4 otherwise it is not enough). Not only that, after A transfers money to B, A still needs to find change.