Coinpot Challenge Day 5 - Earning 10.000$ Worth Of Crypto By The End Of 2020 For Free

in #bitcoin4 years ago

Hello Guys. I decided I would make a series of posts tracking my earnings on

The plan is to earn 10.000$ worth of crypto on this website by the end of 2020. I think this is doable but definitely hard. But hey, that's what challenges are for, right? Here is how my Dashboard looks like in my 5th day since I started using the website.

So let's make some conversions. I have:

BTC 0.00002659 = 0.2564$
BCH 0.00000529 = 0.0014$
Doge 0.58 = 0.0015$
LTC 0.00002585 = 0.0012$
Dash 0.00001154 = 0.0009$

Total = 0.2722$

I am not counting the 180 Coinpot Tokens even though each token is worth about 1 satoshi. I will convert them in time to Bitcoin. As you can see my total earnings in day 5 amount to 0.2722$ which is a long way to go from 10.000$ but it's only the beginning.

How you can earn from Coinpot:

First, go to and create your account. Coinpot is the microwallet where you will get payed all your faucet earnings in the 5 different cryptos supported ( Bitcoin, Dogecoin, BCH, Litecoin and Dash) .

After you registered to Coinpot , here are 7 supported faucets where you can begin claiming. All you have to do is solve a captcha. It takes less than 10 seconds for each claim.

Best of luck and see you guys on my next update.