Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Inventor, Craig Wright Sued For $5 Billion

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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Will we finally find out who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

Criag Wright claimed to be the mysterious inventor of the revolutionary cryptocurrency. That admission could well cost him. According to an article in Cointelegraph, he is being sued for $5 billion.

The estate of David Kleiman filed suit in the South District Court of Florida.

Wright is accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of bitcoin, now valued over $5 billion.

The official complaint states that Wright took advantage of this and “forged a series of contracts that purported to transfer Dave’s assets to Craig and/or companies controlled by him. Craig backdated these contracts and forged Dave’s signature on them.”

The plaintiff continues in the document, stating that following David Kleiman’s death on April 26, 2013, Wright contacted Kleiman’s estate and disclosed that he and David had worked together to develop Blockchain and Bitcoin.

Wright's response to the allegations came via Twitter.

— Dr Craig S Wright (@ProfFaustus) February 26, 2018

One of the interesting parts about this suit is that it does not require the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto to be revealed yet this might have to occur to reach a judgment.

Wright also changed his assertion that he is Nakamoto.

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One of the interesting parts about this suit is that it does not require the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto to be revealed yet this might have to occur to reach a judgment.

Even tough it would be very interesting who this guy Satoshi Nakamoto actually is I wouldn’t be surprised if it was on of these guys who invented Facewhat orTwitter...and being behind this nonexistent person’s name. Regarding Craig Wright Being sued for $5 Billion is in my opinion just trying to get the money from this guy. There have been so many cases when someone got weary quickly rich and all of the sudden lasuits start to pile up. We shall see, perhaps Craig IS the misterious Satoshi Nakamoto.

If he isnt Satoshi, then how can he lose.

If he is Satoshi, then the family might have a case.

I do not understand all the legal particulars about this but I find it difficult that a family can sue based upon something that is anonymous. Unless they somehow have proof that Wright (and Kleimann) are the inventors of Bitcoin.

This is also a question that many people are asking themselves. Since Satoshi Nakamoto is a pseudonym, he can designate one or more persons. So Satoshi is not forced to be the unique creator of Bitcoin.

Many hypotheses surfaced about his identity, from the most probable to the most far-fetched.

So, according to some people, Satoshi would be a secret group of the NSA who would use this technology to carry out cyberattacks on a large scale: wacky.

Another supposition would be a consortium of 4 major Japanese groups: SAmsung, TOSHIba, NAKAmishi, MOTOrola. Add the letters in capital letters and you come across: SATOSHI NAKAMOTO. Very well found but really unlikely.

However, hypotheses a little more supposed were mentioned.

It could be Nick Szabo, a member of an activist movement on the Web in the 90s. He also invented with friends the concept Bitgold, a precursor of Bitcoin? Perhaps…
In any case, Nick Szabo, although flattered, denies these assumptions.
His profile is very similar to that of Satoshi.
There are other contenders but this one remains the most likely.
It is also the subject of study of a book written by Dominic Frisby: "Bitcoin: The Future of Money".

Satoshi's white paper
In order for everyone to know how bitcoin works and why it was created, Satoshi wrote the whole operation of this system.

I don't really analyse how they'll Craig S Wright yet not having a clear picture that he is the person that actually started Bitcoin.

On my view, Wright always play a game of being a celebrity and this will be a test to really prove that he is the real Satoshi Nakamoto. He will have penalties and other lawsuits until he really affirms that he was not the one who started Bitcoin.

This case is going to be strategic and comprehensive. A case of discovering and identifying the real cryptocurrency creator who changed the world's understanding about monetary exchange and transactions.

I believe that may be in the future, we shall get to know the real Bitcoin creator and the reason he named himself SATOSHI NAKAMOTO

I´ve hear about Craig Wright being sued sor $10 Billion, he suposebly has more than 1M Bitcoins, wich is crazy if its true, and with that amount he defenitely is one of the very first (creators) of BTC.

Lots of ink will be spent on this case, let's wait and see what results from this accusation, because it could have very negative effects on the crypto markets.

Craig Wright is NOT Shatoshi Nakamoto

Allen Greenspan IS Shatoshi Nakamoto

Informative post.Much obliged for sharing it

This law suit is no surprise to me..These kind of scenarios always come up whenever a partner in a company dies. Wright and Kleiman had a long term partnership.. working so hard and long together on the development of bitcoin with which they had various minning operations. In my view, incase of death of one of the partners, the ownership transfers to the other partner. Unless an agreement had earlier been agreed up on by the two partners before the death of one. This alone is crucial for the survival of the company that has been established. Many companies fall after the death of a partner. Who knows..bitcoin could have fallen apart if the proper planning and agreements were not in place. We've seen Craig Wright single handedly taking on the company forward to turn it into a remarkable investment... lets credit him for getting bitcoin to stand amidst the recent hard economic times.
The family of Kleiman should come up with a legally binding contract that spells out exactly what Wright and Kleiman wanted to happen if any of them were to die to prove they own the rights to more than 1million bitcoins and blockchain technologies Kleiman mined and developed during his lifetime.. that's when we shall prove that Wright schemed to use phony contracts and signatures to lay claim to bitcoins mined by he's colleague.

People making the claim to being the inventor of Bitcoin is like the hogwarts teacher of the dark arts position. Someone jumps into the role and its easiest to expect a new actor in the next film.
Fact is the inventor built under the open source banner as an anonymous contributor using open source tools and services for a reason. Mainly they knew the troubles that come with getting tied to the universe's fastest growing method of exchange thats transpearent and runs on a whispher of power relative to the current fat, slobby, shit wreck of an engineering mess known as the "modern" banking system. The inventor of Crypto currency (and the distributed computing tech that its actually doing) will always remain anonymous.

Doesn't Satoshi have 1 Mil bitcoin? If so he will owe the IRS a lot of money. lol