BravadoGroup Involved in Child Pornography, Racism ('N' Word), Doxxing, Stalking, and Intimidation in Response to Being EXPOSED!

Members of Bravado “Doxxed” Two Innocent People and Posted Child Pornography in an Attempt to Get Me

Let me preface this by saying that you have to have the critical reasoning skills of a very small rodent to believe some shit this dumb. I’m irritated that I have to waste valuable time that could be spent doing other things focusing on this — but such is life in the crypto world.

So, one of the more prominent members of the BravadoGroup — (Twitter name: @M_Povolotski) posted this up on Twitter today:

Here’s a link to the actual article itself:

(link preview won’t come up, but don’t worry — we got pictures instead)

Since the Bravado member above took credit for this post (terrible decision on a lot of levels — you’ll see why later on), I’ll assume that this is all his creation.

Let’s check out the opening paragraph:

I’m not even sure Steven Spielberg could write a thriller this good.

Let’s break down some of the accusations here. Apparently, I am:

A person named “James”

Am also pseudonymous with another individual named Chayleh Tracey

I have a “criminal record for threatening to kill and stalking his ex-girlfriend and getting fired for plagiarism”

“Ties to child pornography”

and, last by not least!

“A registered sex offender”

With such accusations against me, it’s a wonder I’m not already in cuffs right now, right?

Now, let’s get serious for a moment. The accusations above are clearly false.

What’s worse is that I’ve gotten into contact with the people that these Bravado folks have ‘doxxed’, and they have definitely contacted the FBI as well as local and state police — over a month ago.

Perhaps this article was new to you all, but I knew about this a month ago. It was posted anonymously at first, but I had my suspicions it was Bravado. In the interest of fairness, I didn’t want to pin something like this on them because I thought, “Sure, these people are genuine pieces of shit — but not even they could go this low”.

I was wrong.

Let’s Dissect This Wonderful Tale of Fiction

It opens with this link:

That’s not me ^

Lol no.

#1 — I’ve never “worked” for anyone.

#2 — Btcmanager and I had a dispute over payment.

Me sending an e-mail to the editor of btcmanager ^

Long story, short — they didn’t want to pay me what I was owed! (And that’s why I don’t write for publications anymore).

It's worth noting that Metamask also accused them of launching a massive phishing scam to steal money from their users and had actually blacklisted them from their servers entirely and they were also delisted from Google as well (thieves hang in bunches). (source) (A tweet directly from MetaMask themselves)

Here's another photo of me showing where my email correspondence to btcmanager, regarding non-receipt of payment, went to:

Showing that this was sent to

In the above picture, you can see the articles that they owed me that they didn’t pay for (they did eventually pay though)

So, they don’t like me because I blew their spot up on this on Twitter in April (tweets have since been deleted because I got my $$).

Now wait, didn’t they say I “plagiarized”? Who? When? Where? What source? What author?

No disrespect, but I’ve yet to come across content in this space that’s good enough for me to plagiarize.

Moving Onward Though

The Harassment of Chayleh Tracey

There is one thing that they’re right about in this article — I do know Chayleh Tracey! This is a friend of mine (not a girlfriend) and someone who these folks have unfortunately chosen to dox for whatever reason (she has contacted the FBI).

She actually reached out to me originally to let me know that she was receiving threatening messages from members of the BravadoGroup and other affiliated entities.

See here:

Links to the (still existing) tweets:

That’s her Twitter account above ^.

I saved these tweets because I anticipated that Bravado would try to resurface such wild accusations again.

The saddest part is that they have threatened the life and livelihood of a young woman for absolutely no reason.

When I reached out to her, she also shared this e-mail with me that she sent that same day (May 3rd — over a MONTH ago) because she was getting fed up with the harassment:

The e-mail she sent on May 3rd

Here’s the response that she received the very next day

Just to verify that this e-mail was indeed from btcmanager

Great. So, now that I know that btcmanager and BitcoinBravado are colluding, let’s continue.

Chayleh Tracey as Co-Owner of the Brand

I did put this tweet up

At one point in time, that was her role. As I moved forward, that role wasn’t needed anymore. This was when I was still somewhat fresh behind the CryptoMedication brand, and I wanted someone to help me run it (I’m still looking for partners as of this very moment).

The Twitter user, @overheardcoffee was once a co-owner of the CryptoMedication brand too (until we had a falling out over this whole Bravado stuff, ironically).

At this moment though — I ride solo. Perhaps I’ll entertain bringing other folks on board for the brand, but not at this present moment.

Here’s Where the Fantasy Begins

This is the next part of this outlandish Steemit post:

This is honestly where it begins to get shameful and embarrassing on Bravado’s behalf.

#1 - I'm not sure what this screenshot above has to do with me allegedly being "James Edwards". I'm assuming that's due to the e-mail address on there that says "[email protected]".

I Googled up that address and all I found were links to the Bravado article and nothing else identifying behind that:

So, I'm still confused as to where this individual 'James Edwards' got pulled out of a hat from.

#2 - Putting out pictures of this young woman and her family as well as her personal address is one of the more disgusting things I’ve ever observed in my life, and I’m grateful that she’s been in contact with the FBI over the harassment that she’s received.

In terms of this domain, that’s what I meant by “backend”. I had a lot of people doing this stuff for me at one point. I even had someone actually steal a domain from me (that’s when I gave up the idea of a website).

Check this conversation out that I had a while ago w someone else that was supposed to be designing a website for me:

Way back on January 19th

From my Telegram — on January 18th

Moral of the story — I never set this stuff up. I relied on other people to walk me through it because idk how this stuff works.

I had a lot of folks reach out and give me an offer to do it for free (one actually stole the website).

I asked Chayleh to set it all up for me so that she could figure out the nitty gritty of “pointing nameservers” (idk what the fuck that means — I’m not a web dev) and the other technical stuff.

As you can see, never came to pass. <- Also, I don't have access to it, never logged in it, I've never advertised it, attached it to my name, and I don't even have login access to it. I can't control what domains people register and what names/emails they put under it.

Also, if I were 'James Edwards', wouldn't I just put my name down as the person registered to it? This story still doesn't make ANY sense.

In terms of the e-mail or any other information registered it, that’s not up to me ( Once again, why would I register my e-mail and not just use my name? And how are they pulling James Edwards out from that e-mail address? Because when I google it, NOTHING shows up).

Where the Story Gets Even Wilder

I'm confused as to what this is, what 'scores' mean, or is in reference to.

Also, trying to attach this person to me as a 'girlfriend' is laughably absurd...At best. And a giant reach. That has no roots in logic.

No, no, and no. ^^

I'm not sure if they just created this profile or what...because, once again, I can't find ANY record of this picture on Instagram or that account and Chayleh informed me that she does not have an Instagram when I last contacted her. Which means that Bravado must have stalked down this girl's photos on the internet somehow and then created an Instagram for her...All for the purposes of this article, which is truly sad on a level that I'm having trouble comprehending.

Okay, every time someone messages me, they get some weird message saying “Welcome to Thou Art Clothing, blah blah!” right?


So, I’ve iterated this about a million times that I don’t own/never owned that brand.

I was given this account by Chayleh because I didn’t want to start with a Twitter account on “zero” when I was first foraying into crypto. Whatever they did/done w Thou Art Clothing is their own business and I’m not associated with it.

Notice, I said this used to be a clothing company. Not, “I used to run a clothing company…”

The devil is in the details.

As it should have.

Ask yourself if I write like that ^. Then, ask yourself if someone who was scamming people for hats (lol) months ago, could turn around, curate a mathematical proof for Proof of Work and write 200, poignant cryptocurrency articles since the beginning of 2018.


Since I’m not actually a part of ‘Thou Art Clothing’, I’m going to skip over everything in relation to that.

Lol okay. I’m not sure I have enough time to entertain dumb shit on this level.

I’m going to continue to skip through because I’ve already thoroughly established that I’m not this individual that they’ve continually harassed ^^.

I’m not sure what I said wrong in this. I stand by it actually. Give me a few years and I will shit on any other investment that someone has in this space (company-wise). There’s nothing negative about this statement.

The article continues on about some more stuff on ‘ThouArtClothing’ (once again, not mine).

Then this:

So, I spent hours/weeks/months/years crafting some clothing business, only to exit scam people out of hats and shirts (lol), to then switch up, become super legitimate, and spend hours providing free, informative content on the level of something that a grad professor would curate.

Hmm, okay.

This Reddit, too, was a gift (and a valuable one).

Listen, I didn’t know Reddit doesn’t allow you to post until you get ‘Karma’. Chayleh hooked me up with this account as well.

I don’t even get the relevance of this. Once again — not me and has nothing to do with me.

It’s really sad that they chose to disparage a random individual in this world like that — but that’s their choice.

Sarcasm at its finest.

What is this even from? ^^

I think I’ve done shelled out this “buying followers” bullshit for a while now. Someone tried to attack my account and failed. Then, I gained another 17k followers (a lot of them off of the backs of Bravado after the space decided to follow me as an arbiter of real information, rather than the fraud that Bravado perpetuates).

Riveting work of fiction.

Shame on any and everyone that seriously read through this article like there were any facts in it.

It was at this part that I genuinely felt stupid and debated with myself on whether I should even respond to trash like this.

“There’s evidence of him accessing child pornography under the name ‘NiggerManlet’”

It was at this point, that I saw how dark things started getting in the article. Not only have they gone to the lows of issuing racial epithets to describe me, but now we have the admitted inclusion of child pornography?

The screenshot above reveals some of the dumbest behavior that I think I have ever observed from an individual on the internet.

Bravado, in this picture, admitted to

  1. Downloading child pornography from an online forum (why would someone download child pornography for 'evidence'? The only thing that's evidence of is you having child pornography).

  2. Uploading said child pornography as an attachment in an e-mail that they allege was sent to a public university.

That's why they proudly proclaimed in that article.

#1 - This person is entirely different than the individual they claimed I was just a couple paragraphs ago.

#2 - This person is 5 foot 8 inches. They claimed I was 5 foot 1 and a 'dwarf'/'midget'. Which one is it?

#3 - This person is 39 years old. Yet, they alleged that the individual I am went to a university as recently as 2015 and majored in mathematics.

Unfortunately, for Bravado - this article exposed them in ways that they may never comprehend. It also showed the desperation with which they would attempt to try to defame my name in response to me exposing them for their activities.