
Who is going to buy a worthless coin?

Idk but its worth a try right? Somebody will buy them

The price Bitconnect gives the coin is already inflated vs the price on other exchanges. plus theres the fact the Bitconnect exchange wont actually let people send the coins out.

Sad day for crypto, add to that Hextracoin exit scamming. If it's to good to be true, it is.

I sent my coins out to another exchange. And I’m working on trading them

Do it as quick as you can. It'll be worth zero by tomorrow.

Screen Shot 2018-01-16 at 22.37.58.png

Honestly, its not even worth worrying about to me. I would get very little by selling. Looks like ill HODL and hope in a year that something happens with BCC lol. I know some people got burned hard

When ever I said there was no trading bot the abuse I got was crazy. It's a hard lesson for people. Sadly there is no shortage of these scams out there.

I dont necessarily believe it was a scam since you could’ve withdrew at any time. And then they were being attacked, which forced this shut down. I dont think they exit scammed. But maybe i am wrong

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