Bitcoin User Arrested Over p2p Transaction! - Is No One Safe?

in #bitlicense7 years ago

Arrested by Homeland Security!

On February 9th, 2018, Morgan Rockwell was arrested in his own home for a Bitcoin transaction dating back to late 2016.

The reason for the arrest was selling Bitcoin for cash, and although he is currently released under a personal recognizance bond, Morgan is being charged under section 18 USC 1956 – Money Laundering Instrument.

Morgan’s court appearance will be on February 22nd, 2018 at the Edgar J. Schwartz building in San Diego.

Due to the charges given, Morgan faces legal fees of over $150,000, with accusations of money laundering. This is not the first time an individual has been targeted for using digital assets and flagged as breaching anti-money laundering requirements.

Are users of cryptocurrency going to be forced to submit transactional data if they used third-party exchanges, such as Coinbase?

If this is a requirement for many users of cryptocurrency who have already exchanged their digital assets for government-issued cash, we may see a wave of arrests as 2018 unfolds in an attempt to clamp down on everyday people and start-ups that are creating wealth that does not require dependency on Big Brother…

According to, some form of data may need to be submitted to authorities, but as cryptocurrencies are not restricted by borders and are ultimately nationless, the confusion regarding them intensifies.

“Certain money services businesses (MSBs) have been required to register with FinCEN since 1999, when the MSB regulations first went into effect. An entity acting as an MSB that fails to register as required is subject to civil money penalties and possible criminal prosecution. The registration of the MSB serves as a first step in establishing the compliance framework for applicable FinCEN regulations designed to help mitigate the risks of criminal abuse of MSBs for money laundering and terrorist financing as the MSB seeks to provide financial services to customers for legitimate purposes. There is no cost for registration, which is a simple procedure explained in detail on FinCEN’s Web site at


The Danger of BitLicence

As cryptocurrencies are taken seriously by financial powers, we’ve seen the emergence of the BitLicence.

Issued by the New York State Department of Financial Services, the licence is a requirement for cryptocurrency-based businesses that brings similar regulatory rules to those of brokerage firms as a blatant attempt to control the innovative growth of the emerging blockchain sector.

Bitcoin is for the People – Not the Government

Bitcoin was developed to be an open source network, without the need for any third parties to regulate or manipulate operations within. If this new licence spreads to other states or other nations adopt similar laws, it could drive out start-ups from the respective countries and push innovation to locations where the laws are not so harsh.

This is ultimately something every user of cryptocurrency should take heed of, regardless of which country they reside in.

As Bitcoin and the blockchain industry in general continue to grow, authorities will begin to take more action, possibly enforcing the new BitLicence. Please research and consider the legal implications when investing in cryptocurrencies – it is not worth going to court or prison over.

Trusting third-party exchanges may not be the best idea, as they are the first in line for regulatory crackdowns (due to being a crossroads for cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies). If prompted, they can give up your transactional data without your consent.

We will keep you posted on Morgan’s case as it progresses, and you can also follow him on Twitter.

Written by Luke Dodwell for 2018-02-18


Government just doing government stuff. Pandora's box already open, too late for them.privacy-meme.jpg

The sad part to me is that HOMELAND SECURITY is a national Police force! This has nothing to do with HOMELAND SECURITY!

Thanks GWB and all the cronies who voted for the Patriot act that brought us domestic surveillance, suspension of habeas corpus, and a whole raft of un Patriotic legislation that was used mostly for prosecuting domestic non-terrorist crimes.

Wow that is so fucked up.

This is what I call low quality FUD. Arizona just accepted crypto for tax payments...

The charge is for money laundering; not cryptocurrency trading. We'll know more when he gets his day in court.

Oh mehn, the government wont let us rest.

This kind of action was expected. It is not the first time.. and mr. Morgan (if convicted) wont be first person to go to prison.
As mentioned by someone on "SGTReport", someone warned BTC hodlers/traders that this will hapened.
Quote :
This should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone with foresight. Some have been warning of this sort of thing from day one. Chris Duane reminds people of this regularly, but the crypto-cultists drag him through the mud for relaying the unpleasant but honest message.
Cryptos will continue to be hijacked and ultimately controlled by the very entities who hastened their emergence in the first place from behind the veil. These entities had (and have) suckers the world over actually believing that cryptos were/are going to permanently make an end-run around government scrutiny. Now that they got everyone right where they want them, the claws are coming out.
Stick with nature's money in physical form. Thousands of years of monetary history give it its longevity and legitimacy. And the fact that it isn't a "get rich quick" scheme makes it all the more solid.
End quote

Cryptos will continue to be hijacked and ultimately controlled by the very entities who hastened their emergence in the first place from behind the veil.

I think whoever wrote that should have a look at Bitcoin first before making a statement. The fact of the matter is that crypto currencies, such as Bitcoin, can be neither "hijacked" nor controlled by governments. And I'd be intrigued to know where this dumb theory comes from, that says that it was a government that "invented" Bitcoin. Why the hell would governments / banks want to invent a currency that they can't create out of thin air, that is not tied to an identity, and that they can't control? That makes as much sense to me as if someone told that General Motors and Exxon Mobile colluded in order to come up with a car that runs on rainwater in order to make people more dependent on gas engines and crude oil. In other words: If those people are so stupid, how come they are so wealthy?

Well, and even if they invented it - it can't be 'uninvented'. And wasn't it Kodak who invented the digital camera and then went bankrupt over their own invention?

The Innovators, Rogues, and Strategists Rebooting Banking

Couple days ago, I heard something I am not sure, whether to belive.
Could you please help me.
In BTC, all things are decided by "majority of miners".
So... if majority of miners decide to "rise number of BTC", then (in theory) 21 mio is NOT "final max number of BTC" ????
Your thoughts ?

You're right:
Mathematics puts some limits that "majority of miners" cannot decide.


That's a negative on that question. The miners cannot decide anything by themselves, even if they all worked together. In Bitcoin we have five constituents, of which none has full control over the system: Developers, Miners, Nodes & Wallets, Users and Retailers. They all have their own interests which partially even contradict the interests of others. That's why it is called a 'consensus network'.

Even nation states wouldn't be able to take over or take down Bitcoin anymore, because the network has grown too strong by now. Here's a link to a video I transcribed, where Andreas Antonopoulos explains why Bitcoin is so resilient against attackers:

Can Governments take over BitCoin?

Divider Blue Steemit

XBT Freelancer - Work in a variety of Industries and get paid in BitCoin

There are some who believe that the move toward th elightening network witrh btc is the "beginning of the end" see here:

I'd like to add that I don't think there is any necessary connection between wealth and intelligence... there are some pretty dumb rich people, I'm sure... and a lot more "smart," poor ones. Then again, how one defines "intelligence" can be quite subjective... In some ways it seems plausible that gov did create btc... I'd suggest watching vdeo I posted above about lightning network. an makes argument that its implemenation will "fuck us," to use his terminology. I can't explain details atm, just watch vid :)

THIS is disturbing news.

Hola soy nueva en esta gran comunidad, espero tener su apoyo, como dice el un dicho: El que se arriesga no pierde nada y el que NO se arriesga no gana... Éxito

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