[Contest] Join the Big BitShares .Gif Festival! -Big Price 33,333 BitShares- sponsored by Chris4210

Update 02.02.2017. Thank you all for the great submission! I will wrap up the contest this weekend and send out the rewards for your submission!! The .gif will be republished on Social Media to help people onboard. Thank you all for your great help and participation to help BitShares newcomers get on board.
cheers Chris4210
Update 05.02.2017. And the price goes to:
- n0mepisesquellev0chanclas 6,666.60 BTS
- somebodyn1ce 3,333.30 BTS
- fav 2,666.64 BTS
- bts-fractalnode 1,999.98 BTS
Thank you all for joining the contest!!
Today I am happy to announce the big BitShares .gif Festival! BitShares is a strong growing community and we welcome all our new members. To improve your stay and to give everybody the best experience I am launching the BitShares .Gif Festival!
In this contest, I am looking for the best tutorials videos and .gif animations to introduce this amazing platform to all new members.
What is the price?
The price is in total 33,333 BitShares. The price will be broken down for each feature individually = 666.66 BTS. The best submission will win the prize.
How does it work?
- Choose the right tools in the toolbox
- Open an account on www.OpenLedger.info or Download the Lightclient
- Start Recording your submissions
- Submit your animation in the comments below
- May the best animators win
Who can participate?
Everybody can join the contest and submit their tutorial to the contest.
How to share?
On Social Media with: #Bitshares , #BTSGIF ,
How do I win?
The best submissions for each feature will be ranked and the best animation rewarded. Some features can also be described in several animations.
How to submit a .GIF?
Tutorial: Import private key
BitShares Account: Chris4210
And of contest: January 27, 2017 2 PM UTC
This event has been extended 1.02.2017 2 PM UTC
The toolbox:
For Mac: https://giphy.com/apps/giphycapture
For PC: http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/best-apps-to-make-animated-gifs/2/
The features list answered:
- Backup wallet
- BitShares has different interfaces
- Chat program/change name
- Deposit / withdraw BTC / Altcoin via Shapeshift / BlockTrades
- Export brain key
- Export private key
- How can I change language
- How can I change the value overview
- How can I create a multi-signature
- How can I transfer a message to a friend?
- How can I use BitShares as text messenger?
- How can I whitelist / Blacklist an account
- How fast is BitShares
- How to cancel an order
- How to create an order
- Import backup wallet
- Important brain key
- Lock /unlock wallet
- Look up different accounts
- Transfer Tokens
- UIA Creation
- Quick way to go to Exchange Market from an order
- Where can I find the explorer?
The features list unanswered:
- Create a market pegged asset
- How can I change skin
- How can I claim refund
- How can I follow other accounts
- How can I invite friends
- How can I transfer my account?
- How can I upgrade to LTM
- How do you claim your LTM discount
- How do you refer a friend
- How to create a committee member
- How to create a new account
- How to create a witness
- How to create a worker
- How to create your favorite asset list
- How to get a premium Name
- How to join the Prediction markets
- How to log in?
- How to vote
- Important private key
- Look up assets
- Propose transaction
- Trade assets
- What are the different exchanges
- What are the two elements I always need for backup? Wallet PW + a). Bin file b) brain key
- What is the difference between MPA and UIA
- Where can I find more info?
- Where is my address?
- Why are there different private keys
Did I forgot a feature please comment below.
What not to do:
Please don't add any watermarks or extra logos or names to the animation.
Invites your friends! Share the contest with the word! I am looking forward to all your amazing submissions, creative animations and fun tutorials. Happy Bitshares .Gif Festival everybody!!

How can I transfer a message to a friend, How fast is BitShares
How can I use BitShares as text messenger, Transfer Tokens

BTS Acc: fav
fast as light ;-)
yeah, almost like I use gifs for all my how-to posts ;)
I really thought unbelivable that your are so fast :-) Nice.
Fav was the one who inspired me to start the contest :D
@fav please add the name of the feature you show on the .gif . That is easier for the coordination. Thank you.
updated and added some of the features those gifs cover
Is there any chance to change the password or recover it? Please let me know.
If you lost the PW to your wallet you only have one chance and that are the private keys for 1. active 2. ownership of one account. If you have multiple accounts in one wallet, you need all the different keys.
You can recover one account from:
a) BrainKey plus Wallet Password
b) Wallet .bin file plus Wallet Password
c) Private Key (Active + Owner) from one Account
Once you unlocked a wallet, you can change the wallet password. If you lost your wallet password you are out of luck. If you are lucky, you might have the same account in a different wallet on a different computer. Then you can get access to the account again.
Remember, One Wallet can have several accounts.
I don't know what's the problem because I put the right password. I have only one account and one wallet. The name shows up in the right corner, but when I want to unlock the wallet it says that the pass is incorrect. If I can access the private key from the account can I change the password?
Just in case still on time...
How to follow an account
bts: somebodyn1ce
BTS : n0mepisesquellev0chanclas
BTS : n0mepisesquellev0chanclas
BTS : n0mepisesquellev0chanclas
BTS : n0mepisesquellev0chanclas
This actually not 100% correct. This hashcode address is only used in the backend. The real Bitshares address that people need to know is your account name.
In this case "worker1" is your account and adress name. not BTS961233....
BTS : n0mepisesquellev0chanclas
BTS : n0mepisesquellev0chanclas
BTS : n0mepisesquellev0chanclas
Import backup wallet
bts: somebodyn1ce
How to vote
bts: somebodyn1ce
This gif is not working, can you please reupload?
I am not sure why it stops in this page , looks to run fine at Imgur link
will check
BTS : n0mepisesquellev0chanclas
BTS : n0mepisesquellev0chanclas
I just was about to publish a few posts in Spanish related to Butshares , so this Festival will help me a lot , Thanks
Also, will help me to learn how to work with animated GIF : )
BTS : n0mepisesquellev0chanclas
BTS : n0mepisesquellev0chanclas
Great. Thank you for joining the contest!
Resteemed :-)
Thank you! Please also consider to submit a .gif :)