Verbaltech2 - BitShares Witness Report - Monthly Update

December's report will be brief. Failover protection is in place and working well. Feeds have been a problem this month. Added an offset adjustment which has brought my feed prices in line with other witnesses. Keeping my eye on it. There was a reduction in the number of witnesses from 21 down to 15 which lasted only one day. Not sure what that was all about. Here is the market summary since last month: (all prices via CMC): BTC=$13,678.30, BTS=$0.697, STEEM=$2.97, PPY=$12.08.
That's it for this month and the best year in cryptoland yet! Whew who!! Happy New Year People!




Floating / Extra Full Node:

And the testnet server for BTS:

is greatly appreciated! Thanks for your time and attention
Wish I knew more about this.
very informative blog and contains much information, thanks for sharing such a informative blog
Thank You!
I can't wait until I talk to you again.