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RE: Using a BitShares Decentralized Exchange (DEX) market for BitUSD and BitCNY pricefeeds

in #bitshares5 years ago

"I would suggest using an ETH/BTS market from one or more reliable gateways. By reliable, I mean a gateway where the deposit and withdrawal paths for ETH are operational. "

What give as the guarantee that they remain reliable and they will not stop deposits/withdrawals at any point to get advantage of the "new" mechanism?

Would it be not better we use multiple bts/bitASSETs dex pairs (+ bts/gateway-ETH if so important)?


In theory, bts/bitasset pairs would be fine, but in bitshares there tends to never be nearly as much liquidity for the bitassets versus external assets like BTC and ETH. For this reason, I think it would be better to stick with ETH for now. But using pairs from multiple gateways is a good idea assuming there are multiple reliable gateways as this would prevent disruption in the case that one of the gateways has it's deposits/withdrawals temporarily disabled.