Please vote for BTS and BitUSD to be added to

in #bitshares7 years ago is a centralized exchange that is holding a vote right now to add new coins for trading. In order to vote you need to register - choose a login, password and optionally an email. Then you can follow the link to the voting from their homepage.
There are two proposals - one for bts and one for bitUSD. The good thing is that they still haven't added USDT (tether) and we could get that niche instead with bitusd.
If anyone can add and expand on the pros of bitusd over tether, please leave a comment there, they said that the comments are taken into consideration also.

I encourage all members of this community to support Bitshares and to help these two tokens get listed. This way we get more exposure and more people will be interested in this platform. Moreover, we will get a HUGE advantage if our token will be THE dollar everyone uses there.

Please don't hesitate to give it 5 minutes of your time as it could be very important in the future.


IMO bitUSD should be paired with a fiat currency (since they already support fiat), rather than against a crypto. Market making on a pair of two price-stable assets is cheap and low riskv - liquidity on bitUSD:bitCNY to either one paired with BTS for evidence.

I hope it will be. But for this to happen we need to vote bitusd in