Max Wright and the End of the World as We Know it.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitshares7 years ago

I love Max Wright. I even know his real name. Bloody Aussie. Clearly from this photo at the web summit in Dublin a year or two ago, he feels the same way.

I always hang around with guys who make me look good.

We go way back to 2014 when BitShares was first released. We met at this mastermind in St. Maartin in the summer of 2014. He's the tall poppy behind Michael Taggart standing to the left of Kevin Harrington of Shark Tank fame who is to the left of me - the hunk in the blue shirt wearing actual socks. That would be Dan Larimer peeping over Julian's head, three mugs to the left of Max. Those of you who go back a long way with us will recognize several others.

Max is famous for his BitShares TV series from the late 2014's

But that's not why I'm writing this.

Max is also the proverbial canary in the coal mine with his [email protected] mailings. Recently he's been posting a lot of warnings from Jim Rickards about what the Powers That Be have planned.

You won't like it.

Let me quote a bit of this "doomer porn", jumping into the middle of it just to set the stage. Note, just because it's doomer porn doesn't mean you shouldn't take it seriously. What's in your wallet?

Jim Rickards: My point is, I came away from all three meetings convinced of one thing. When the next crisis hits, the elites are planning to freeze the financial system, and they'll replace it with a new system, one not based on the US dollar. When that happens, we'll wake up to a very strange and disturbing new reality.

John Burke: For our viewers that are watching today, what might their reality look like that morning? How does this manifest?

Jim Rickards: First, they'll have gone to bed knowing that a massive financial crisis was underway, but when they wake up, they'll find it has worsened and the contagion has spread worldwide. [00:13:30] When they go to withdraw money, their ATM will say, "Closed temporarily." When they go to sell stocks, their account will say, "Transaction not available." When they go to their local business, that business will only accept cash, if it's open. As citizens realize they're being barred from their money, riots will erupt. It's going to get really bad, really quickly.

John Burke: How would such a freeze actually work, and wouldn't that be highly illegal?

Jim Rickards: Well, it wouldn't be illegal technically, because they've been quietly laying the groundwork for years. They've rigged the financial laws, changed the rules of the game [00:14:00] to allow this to happen. The stage is set. They have the leverage in place. The lights are positioned. Now someone just needs to flick a switch and they'll impose Ice-Nine rapidly. Again, all of this will be legal, because they've rigged the system in their favor.

Here in the US, for example, Congress pushed through something called the International Emergency Economics Powers Act, or IEEPA. This allows the government to freeze accounts, assets, even whole institutions at will. The only condition is that there is some threat to national security with a foreign connection. Of course, with the global [00:14:30] market, every financial crisis has a foreign connection. Any systemic crisis fits the bill. The thing is, when the next crisis hits, it's going to be so bad, President Trump won't have any choice but to go along with the elite's plan.

John Burke: Wow. You have to admit that sounds somewhat hard to believe. How could these operatives actually freeze a whole country's financial system?

Jim Rickards: Well, fortunately, we have some recent real life examples to study. The elites have been conducting a series of dry runs for years, leading up to Ice-Nine. [00:15:00] Look at Cypress for example. A few years ago the Cypriot economy was in trouble, especially the banks. The IMF stepped in and loaned Cypress $10 billion dollars, but the loan came with strings. Now pay attention, because this is precisely what they're going to do, but imagine it on a global scale. In exchange for the capital injection, the IMF demanded control over the Cypriot banking system. More specifically, the IMF froze the entire system, literally every bank in the country. They did that to ensure the IMF's demands were met, [00:15:30] including strict capital controls.

How did all this impact regular citizens? Their local ATMs went dark. Even the bank branches closed, permanently in some cases. Citizens could not withdraw cash. They couldn't even transfer funds from one account to the other. What came next? Wealth extraction on a grand scale. The IMF basically stole 6-10 percent of all the cash in the Cypriot bank accounts. How did the elites justify this? They called it a levy. The price citizens had to pay for their government's missteps. [00:16:00] Keep in mind these asset confiscations were done at the balance sheet level with the institutions themselves. They never had to confiscate individual accounts. They froze every account by controlling a handful of the country's biggest banks. When the next crisis hits, we're going to see this here in the US and around the world, and it will be a highly coordinated global attack in the entire system simultaneously.

So what's my point?

The point is we are running out of time. The actual details may vary, but there is little doubt that there will be major disruptions in the life style of ordinary people. On purpose.

So, time to wake up and do what they are telling you for that hurricane down in Texas. Only do it assuming the whole world is experiencing the same financial hurricane.

You won't need provisions for three days, more like three years. Or decades.

After you've got your beans, bullets, bandaids, bullion and bitcoins, think about what you are going to do with them. If you think the bitcoin network is going to handle all the world's traffic when the banking system is shut down, think again. Bitcoin can't even handle the tiny amount of traffic that wants to use it now. Neither can Ethereum, et. al.

Listen to Doc Brown! You need to own some assets on the BitShares superhighway. It's the only financial system that will still be operating outside The One World System they want you to adopt.

Bandwidth will be everything. Think outside the bitcoin.

Max has just one more dot to connect.
How many do you have?


Stan Larimer, President
The Godfather of BitShares and the HERO

About the Author -- Stan Larimer

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I have been saying this for years. (Almost) no one will listen. The normalcy bias is too strong.

amigo #resteemia at your service

'I have been saying this for years. (Almost) no one will listen.' I'm listening @onceuponatime

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

I don't know you for years, so couldn't listen.. but since june 2017 I am.

Im loving the photo from the Summit! is the #1 Cryptocurrency Exchange!

Ice Nine definition.

Respect this quote of yours "BitShares superhighway. It's the only financial system that will still be operating outside The One World System they want you to adopt"
You are absolutely correct! BTC or other top ranked crypto can't handle that traffic! Atleast STEEM can't handle it either! So, we all should be at BTS super highway!
Very useful article! Thanks for sharing with us!

-- @onceuponatime --
"I have been saying this for years. (Almost) no one will listen. The normalcy bias is too strong."

I do listening you dear friend! I met you a month ago... but I do listening!


thanks for your effort :) .
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    haha Life is short , we must use our time wisely

Max @contrariandude should start posting on Steemit again.

"Listen to Doc Brown! You need to own some assets on the BitShares superhighway. It's the only financial system that will still be operating outside The One World System they want you to adopt."
Own assets on the BitShares highway? You mean we own Bitshares coins? I think I couldn't use it because I'm not a US citizen, pity.

Most owners of BitShares are Chinese. There are tons of assets and bitshareholders in every time zone.

It does sound like gloom "porn" as you say indeed. However, as Andreas Antonoupolis said, we are currently in the biggest financial experiment in history. The US government has never ever pumped as much money into the economy by printing it as they did back in 2008. A financial crisis of huge proportions is just waiting to happen.

Is Bitshares entirely decentralized? I rarely seem to read anything or hear much about it in the cryptosphere, wonder why that might be.

Because there has been no centralized organization promoting it ... until now.

Tons of alts get tons of media online and I doubt even 50% of that is from centralized organizations. Hype builds up over coins, they get pumped, then everyone talks about them, then they get dumped

Wow that sure is an eye opener Stan. I've been buying as much Bitshares as I can. Other than that I am not sure what would happen here in Russia if the US system collapsed. Most of the money I earn is USD. Its a little scary.

Lots of spam :)