My Briefest Case for BitShares Ever

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

Always practicing my elevator speech. Did this one for a Russian conference taking place tonight.

This little video was particularly interesting because of the short fuse in making it - I discovered the request in my inbox just 17 hours before it was due to be presented in Moscow. Here's the request which I won't soon forget:

Dear Mr.Larimer,

We have some urgent news. This Saturday we are hosting the most significant event in Russian cryptocommunity, which has already become an attention epicenter.

We understand the difference between your project and other ones: Ethereum, Waves etc. We recognize that it is extending the frontiers of technology and changing the world. That is why it is staggering for us how underestimated it is in Russia and CIS. As we are developing our own project using your state-of-art blockchain inventions, we want to provide you an opportunity to tell about the Bitshares ecosystem to the leading members of Russian cryptocommunity.

Among our guests will be:

IT-counselor to the President of Russian Federation, Mr.German Klimenko
Representatives of Russia’s largest banks administration: Sberbank, Vnesheconombank etc.
Representatives of Far East Development Fund (well known for its operations with derivatives)

All of them, as well as many other businesspersons, politicians, and blockchain developers, will be there with an aim to get in touch with latest financial technologies.

The event will start at 12 AM at Moscow's time (UTC+3) so we still have 17 hours to make your participation possible. Can you please record a video message and send it to us: we will show it during the main session to all our guests and we will report you on how it was, including the video with the reaction of the government members. In your video message can you please tell us your opinion about such topics as:

Cryptocurrency regulation
Bitshares as a revolutionary system

3-5 minutes long will be enough, because we appreciate your precious time

Thank you very much!

UPDATE: Here's the highlight reel - I appear at 0:30 seconds for a brief flash.


Thanks Stan! I really appreciate your continuing efforts to enhance my investment in bitshares! (AND strike blows for freedom and liberty, goodness, truth and justice).

@onceuponatime after reading the post and your comment about bitshares, could you help me understand how to keep my account as secure as possible? Also is there a way to change the initial password? Upvoted. @gold84

Please ask questions at the forum:

Thanks for you advice @onceuponatime I checked several of your past posts and they are really interesting and lots of new information for me. I am now following your posts.

What else can someone add to those words? I think I just buy some more BTS right now and continue to keep them the long run!

@onceuponatime, success for all masters, warm regards from me.

It’s never easy to do an elevator pitch. That was really succinct in explaining why bitshares has a promising future.

yes he is always doing very hard and smart work

BTS does more tx/op per day than BTC and ETH combined...

BTS can do well over 3000tx/s while BTC + ETH combined might do 40tx/s on a really good day...

BTC + ETH cap: $130,000,000,000

BTS cap: $130,000,000


@johnsmith I believe bts and steem will be in the top 10 cryptos within the next 6 months or before 1 year. This 2 cryptos are very undervalued considering the top value they are delivering now. Upvoted your comment. @gold84

just a matter of time and it is turn around... ( I hope)

It's almost like an ingenious little wizard changed a few zero's from one side to the other ;)

It’s never easy to do an elevator pitch. That was really succinct in explaining why bitshares has a promising future.

If you get time, I would love to hear an elevator pitch on the bitshares token and the eos token. I would like to see how the value of the token links to the value of the respective applications. Probably this is obvious to many, but I haven’t stumbled across anything explaining it yet.

@swissclive It would be great to hear in simple words why EOS is a success. Upvoted your comment. @gold84

Great summary Stan. I'm amazed at how under valued BTS are in terms of price and practical use. Ground breaking systems seem to often take time to be adopted as sometimes they are simply too far ahead. One thing I didn't realise was the upgrade path possibility from bitshares to EOS. Does this mean EOS would make bitshares obselete in the long term or are they designed to work side by side?

EOS is the only system in the world powerful enough to host BitShares and Steemit. I expect the upgrade to EOS technology to work like going from BTS 2.0 to 3.0, but there are several possible ways to do that. We'll see what the devs come up with.

not sure if those assertions based on mislead understandings of the tech/economics or something else. those un-backed up assertions are a disservice to steemit, Steem and bitshares in present and future hypothetical contexts. They cannot be backed up rationally, if you disagree, just try me

So let me gt this straight. You're essentially saying that your dick is bigger than Stan's?

ive made the case for why app-specific chains can be replicated in app-general environments. i've made the case for how steem's economics become limp inside an application-general environment such as eth, even an eth using bandwidth rate limiting. i've made the case for how SMTs see far less synergy in application-general environments if the core token doesn't support distributions for content creation and curation. haven't even gone into how impractical it would be to migrate a web-application (Steemit (not Steem!)) from AWS to a blockchain-based storage (think 21 nodes times the number of servers we run...). i'm prepared to back up my views to hopefully see people learn this stuff and not spread shallow, unsupported views that aren't defensible from technology and economic perspectives.

but please distract from the lack of support for the claims by trying to turn this into an ad hominem... no.

Hey @ned, I beleive that in order for this place not to become an echo chamber, all the relevant criticism must be heard and weighted. So I would like to ask you to expand on your presented cases. Additionally, as I am personally pretty far from being a software engineer, I would like to ask you to do it as close as possible to ELI5 terms. Thanks in advance

Cheers for the reply. Must admit I'm all in on the Larimer genii...

Steem does not need EOS. Actually hosting Steemit on EOS could cause all sorts of issues. It's really unknown what EOS costs and benefits for Steem and Steemit will be at this point.

Bitshares and Steem don't need EOS, but Bitshares is looking at whether EOS tech could offer an upgrade to the current Graphene chain. The current Bitshares chain is capable of doing Visa/Mastercard (combined) tx volumes so there is a lot of headroom before an upgrade is needed. But, if EOS kicks ass, why not?

Not controlling your own blockchain could have serious cons. For example would bitshares be required to hold a sizable amount EOS to get the bandwidth they require?

EOS software is open source. I am thinking Bitshares could keep its same structure in terms of witnesses and have the those supporting the network switch over to the EOS software.... not necessarily running Bitshares on the main EOS blockchain (i.e., wouldn't even need EOS tokens in that scenario, to my knowledge)

Amazing post...

Hey Bang.rabok don't worry in my mind anyone saying anything positive is great! I have many friends who are brave enough to post a few words when they don't speak english well as either it's a foreign language or they have trouble spelling or are dyslexic. Ok Swissclive has a point about about asking for follows and upvotes but keep up the comments even if just one word of encouragement to the authors or other commenters! Use of downvoting for anytimg other than dangerous or insulting posts is a disgrace to this platform and free speech. Good luck and 100% upvoted for your two words of enthusiasm for Stan's great little video! Onwards!

Thanks for your attention to me, I also accept any criticism, because with my critics will be better

@bang.rabok: This comment is for your benefit so you don't find others downvoting or flagging you.

I have noticed that you have made a number of very short comments on other blogs, which are similar in style to the one above. They don’t really add anything to the discussion of the topic.

Please help keep Steemit free of spam posts.

If you like a post, it is generally sufficient to upvote it unless you want to join in the debate.

Short comments like “awesome”, “nice post” “amazing post” or “really helpful” are generally not seen as part of the debate on the topic ,and if repeated across multiple posts, may be interpreted as spam.

Asking other people to upvote or follow you is also counter-productive and irritating. They may downvote, mute, or flag you.

Downvotes or flags can lower your reputation, can result in the removal of rewards, and may result in your posts not being seen by others.

Don’t worry, I haven’t flagged or downvoted you. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you were genuinely trying to encourage the poster. An upvote would have been sufficient.

I never reward short comments.

I often reward intelligent comments. I have a lot of Steempower. An upvote from me is worth hundreds of times a normal upvote. I hope I can reward you for intelligent and thought provoking posts in the future.

Example: I randomly came across this post while looking for additional remarks by Stan. I was quite impressed with the amount of information available for a new Steemit member. Plus, witnessing your level of appreciation (tactfulness) for this person as a member of steemit kinda proves the theory of why you are a great curator for this platform. nicely done!

Thanks for your attention to your criticism and your suggestion. I really understand what you say, I just do not understand the English language, it can only be a little bit, so my comments are short, I just use translate

Could you please provide us a link to that event?

UPDATE: Here's the highlight reel - I appear at 0:30 seconds for a brief flash.

UPDATE: Here's the highlight reel - I appear at 0:30 seconds for a brief flash.

Thank you for your time and answer, Stan. Appreciated.

@stan first video I have seen of yours but very enjoyable and worth the follow!! Glad to see you promoting bitshares in an authentic manner.

That being said, I would appreciate your thoughts on my latest blog re:EOS vs Bitcoin & Ethereum. Your comments would be very well received :)

Upvoted and followed.


perhaps Steem should use the BitShares system?

The both use the same graphene tech blockchain highest tx/s in the market

@stan, I still do not understand the world of crypto but I am proud to write i steemit and get the dollar, Thanks for adding my insight because your videos.

Thank U Stan