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RE: Using a BitShares Decentralized Exchange (DEX) market for BitUSD and BitCNY pricefeeds

in #bitshares5 years ago (edited)

don't talk much but when you do, hmm ... 'colluding to protect' hm ... there's worse things in life ... coming together on coming grounds always sounds a lot better to me than 'teamwork' lol .. after that you go your own way ...

a fine theory, i'll make sure to heed it when my income rises above 5 cents ;-) (that's actually not sarcasm aimed at you ... i need to put in five disclaimers per two words recently when i speak ...)

wish they would cap STEEM instead of inflate it to DOGE levels, and come together to get it up to a certain level, a bit like you describe here but

pigs might yet fly ...

talking steem, not -it ... how a capped amount (can even BURN some to make it even less lol) would translate to the primal DAPP thats confused by half the populace of steemtown for the chain itself is something i think best left to the bots, they seem to be creative enough when it comes to saving their money supply lol ... wellwell okay ... (and nevermind ... :D )

(it would make it attractive to a lot to dump after a drought ofc. but thats why the real bigguns should / need to do that , moreover a capped amount at a certain price is a lot more attractive to real Winklevoss-class money-holders imo, why would they care about spare change if you can make 100k with BTC overnight if you have 'some' (i mean 'some' according to their notion of what 'some' would constitute) anywhere between $5 or $10 would be a good start maybe, but without the inflation fixed i think its beeeeeeeeep ..(but i hope im wrong ofc...)


(ah well .. .i always make five or six edits because my name is chaos, the son of Kaos and the Cat, unstuck in time, see , when the world was young i remember trying some math and BTC at 8 digits could in theory have held the value of all dollar in the world when all 21 mln were mined, you don't need a trillion coins, just enough digits ... it certainly seems to work for them) (here i go again i was gonna stop with the meme tsss....) good night to you then