How To Create Bitrex Account Without Invitee Code: My Personal Experience
Hi everyone, ... How are you? I hope this article finds you well. :D
Ok, lets start. I believe some of you google "how to create bitrex acount?", "how to create bittrex account without invitee code", "how to get invitee code to register to bittrex?", and so forth.
Yes, I google it. I couldn't find any article (in steemit) regarding how to get invitee code in order to be able to register to bittrex. However, I found several article mentioned about how to validate or withdraw some 'money' into the real money using bitrex.
In fact, compare to how to sign up to bittrex several months ago is totally different. That time they don't need invitee code to register, but now bitrex require it. I am now sharing my experience because I think somebody may need this information. However, don't worry, I will share my experience below. By doing so, they will keep writing on steemit platform.
So, after researching for more than 12 days about how to get the invitee code, I found a video on YT (click here) explained that ACTUALLY we don't need the invitee code. WHAT? yes, believe me. I register 12 days ago without invitee code and after 10 days of waiting, they accept my request. TA DA

First thing first, follow the instruction on the YT video I gave above. Then, use your real name, must be the same as your ID card (or passport). In descrpition box, I mentioned that I am a writer in and really need bitrex account to withdraw my money. Afterwards, in the "how did you become a select invitee?" I basically copy paste what Rana Taswar Ali wrote in the video. NO INVITEE code needed which mean DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN INVITEE BOX.
After I clicked submit, I am afraid that they will reject my request, but I just patienly waiting for the reply. It took around 10 days to get the confirmation e-mail from bitrex. And Yes, I am accepted.
Mission Complete
How does it sound? easy? I don't know how to say, but I hope it is useful.I will write again in more detail in the next post. If you think this article give benefit for new steemian, please resteem, and if there is something you want to say please comment below. I try my best to reply.
I am an Acehnese, and this is my original post. Just original with several screen shoot. Additionally, so sorry, please mind my english, not that good, I am learning though. ^_^
Very informative post. I was thinking of having my own bittrex account instead of asking other people to exchange and withdraw. I believe that we should have every tools we need to released us from dependency to others. But keep postponing to get one as I heard and read that now it's difficult to get one. Now I am reading your post and seems the motivation is back, will definitely try to get one. Thanks for the post.
Great and I am glad that this information is useful, you may try to create one. Please let me know if it works. Saleum Aneuk Nanggroe ^_^ and please tell others.
Just send the request, I received the email from Bittrex support in an instance. Set my account password.

Is that how the screen lookalike once you sign in?
This is part of registration brother not part of sign in. This assistance page is when we have problem or something. Once you log in into support account, you need to wait. Make sure you got the e-mail from bittrex stated that you have to wait.
I got my account approve already, the email was send yesterday but I only open it today. I think for the current time it will be faster process to create an account. As they seem see the demand in accelerate their account sign-up process. So, I would hesitate to encourage other community members who would like to have a Bittrex account to try to apply it now. Thanks @dzulgunar, if it was not for your article I might have not try it to sign-up for the account yet.

Alhamdulillah... great, you get better than mine. May be they had splendid Chinese New Year Vacation ^_^ oh by the way, two-way-authen... is a bit annoying (for me) because I don't have smartphone, hence I borrow my friend's. :D
Thanks, I received several email already from bittrex support, In general stating "Your request (1202631) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff." From other email, "If your application is selected, we will notify you with next steps as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience during our review process".
Is that sound good? was it the same process for you?
Yes it is. You just on the right track. However, it is time to wait:
in my case it took approximately 10 days. Please tell me later what about yours. ^_^
Nice articel...
thank you bro ^_^ hehehe...
nice thks you follow me @omjacknews
Thanks bro.