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RE: Unredacted Black Book - Illusionist David Copperfield's Private Fantasy Island Musha Cay

in #blackbook5 years ago

"Collectivization is the path of Marx and Lenin. To oppose collectivization is Trotskyism. Do you understand the meaning of this movement?"

I confess I do not. Further I am confident I have spoken as a fool, and proved I do not understand the differences between those three, as I have a vague grasp that they are mere facets of communism, faces on the sides of an edifice.

Since I clearly do not understand, I should not speak. I am not a Russian, and all I know of Russia is that revealed to me by entities I distrust, and particularly distrust what they can tell me about Russia.

I do have some grasp of geopolitics, and should confine my remarks to what I do understand. Regardless of the political platforms of governments and rebels, they have geopolitical interests utterly separate from political platforms and labels, and Russia does have means of profiting from US unrest.

In USG wargaming, civil unrest inevitably results in Russian, and many other government's, support for rebel forces. This was my original point, which I should have stuck with. You clearly know much more than I regarding Russia, and Russian history, which I dare not argue with you about if I want to remain reasonable.



It saddens me, as you said about yourself. I did not question your mind. It is impossible to know absolutely everything. Moreover, I consider you a very smart person. However, in your calculations you forget about the cultural traditions and values of the peoples of the world.
Let's simulate a situation.

In the USA there was an uprising. There are riots, possibly fights. The SWIFT banking system stops working. The banking system of the BRICS countries - BRICS Pay is still not powerful enough. Because of this, Russia is stopping trade relations with the EU, the SCO, Iran, North Korea, Belarus, Finland, some countries of Latin America, Africa and Australia. Hundreds of billions of dollars in profits lost.
Civil war erupts in the USA ...
The dollar is rapidly depreciating. At this stage, there is no second reserve currency in the world.
China and the Federation are moving to the gold standard? Lost trillions of dollars in profit.
The results are equal to the economic losses of World War 2. The economic model of the world, you need to build from scratch! Of course, such a model will be built, but ...
How many of our companies simply will not survive such a crisis?

Russia's policy towards the United States has not changed since the 18th century. I can recall the words of Stalin in the 20th century or the words of Putin in 21.
We want to see the United States a wealthy country with peaceful trade goals. Which exchanges with other countries of the world resources and goods. Naturally deriving profit from this for its citizens.
We need a strong and wealthy USA. This is a scarecrow for the whole free world. The United States is afraid and seek help from Russia and the Russians.

I forgot to say the main thing. If in the end Russia defeats the United States, then it loses.
We need a 2-polar and more world. Imagine if the Russians defeated the United States and placed their rebels in the government. Our yesterday's ally, China, is becoming our enemy.
Now Russia is in a unique position.
China needs us for fear of the United States. And surprisingly, the US needs us because of fear of China.
The result can be caught in troubled waters. Ideally no interference in the affairs of China and the United States. If there weren’t nuclear weapons, then a mutual war of annihilation. When we are neutral.