The One Hack That Got me 140 Followers in 7 Days + Advice from @kyriacos


You have probably heard this a hundred times.

Write Great comments and your blog will grow

But the problem is, writing great comments is mentally exhausting if you do not know how to go about it.

The number one thing you need to know is that you cannot write a great comment if you don't really know what the post is about.

I recently gained 140 followers in just 7 days, and this happened because I took out time to test this theory before coming out to create a post about It.

I did not want this to be another of those posts promising you what the author did not achieve.

The thing is that people most people want to know the ROI of something before they actually do It.

I see new steemians go off and Post up to 4 posts on their first day and actually get frustrated when the post makes nothing.

If you don't have followers your post won't get read, that means no upvotes and your pending payout is Zero.


You have to go out there and read other peoples post and Engage with them, Follow them if you like what they blog about and there is a high possibility you would get followed If you are engaging.

For those who don't really Know how to make great comments, Read this post i made last two weeks on how to comment in ways that win hearts and builds your blog.

Are You Adding Context To Your Content?

Here is a Story from @kyriacos

I got invited here from a friend. Always enjoyed reading, writing and debating but wasn't getting any rewards for my efforts in other social media platforms.

Steemit allowed me to interact with a community and express my thoughts and at the same time make some money. I argue a lot and have created more enemies rather than friends but If I had a choice I would do the same thing all over again.

There is no higher virtue than owning your own self. Based on my real experience this is how one gets to make real friends.

I am appalled by rhetorics and political correctness since I believe they are the two most detrimental qualities one can have.

Steemit proves that one can express themselves freely and still be able to make it.

@kyriacos was able to grow his blog because apart from publishing content, he actually went out and added context to his content.

So what does context mean and how can it be added?

There are steemians who have been on this platform for more than six months and still they are not experiencing blog growth.

The way forward is pumping out great content on a daily basis and then coming back to reply to comments whether it be questions or just someone bringing an added value to your conversation.

Remember these readers have taken out the time to read your blogpost out of the thousands of post currently on Steemit.

Always have that at the back of your mind and that is a thing you should never take for granted, it shows that you appreciate them.

Building a community is not an instant thing, It takes work. Everybody thinks you are a going to start a show and things are going to magically fall in place and they will become an overnight sensation and sail the seas of the trending page.

Creating a quality post is only one piece of the equation, one percent of bloggers may actually make it by publishing quality content only.

The remaining 99 percent have to put in the work into the community and actually acknowledge that their presence on your blog is not because you are the best blogger or writer but because they want to see what you have to offer them.

The fact that someone took out a few minutes to read this post on a social media site that has over 4000 active blogs daily is something I will never take for granted.

Thank you all for reading.


This blog growth series is my little contribution in making Steemians learn from experienced Steemians about the methods they used in acclerating their blog growth.

This series was inspired by the work of people like @aggroed, @papa-pepper, @surpassinggoogle, @fisteganos and other steemians who are contributing to community growth in their own ways.


My very own badge made for me by the amazing @elyaque

Follow me on @ogochukwu for more Content.

Have a Splendid day


"The number one factor for blog growth is post engagement"

Couldn't have said it better myself. We all have to be honest and fair to the newest steemians. That they need to hit singles before they try to hit home runs. They need to interact with those that are established on the platform to learn how to use the platform. I've said this before but I think it's apt.

I don't care if you write like William Shakespeare, if you don't have an audience, you won't get read.

Totally true @wakeupsheeps

Like every new Steemian the possibility of being paid for posting content was what attracted me to Steemit, but when I came here and found out that the number one thing was community development , I changed my mentality and went to work.


I realized quickly that I better start reading and learning how to work on this platform if I were to gain any traction. I thank folks like @ogochukwu, @papa-pepper, @kyriacos, @aggroed and many others for taking the time to help those new to steemit. There is no point unleashing 100,000 new users into the site, who never learn the proper ways to steem.

I have been trying to leave more comments (case in point...) I do agree that it is a good way to build engagement, and to expand my circle of influence. I have had it backfire when I got involved in a prolonged internet argument, but that was just the one time.

Thanks for reading @nenad-ristic

Commenting is vital to blog growth and it is something you should never tire of.

I agree that there are some annoying people online, my post on Thursday will reveal how to handle such people


Does it involve crowbars? Hydrochloric acid? Iron Maidens? Orbital Strikes?

Don't keep us in suspense! ;P

Lol @nenad-ristic

Not any of those please. Ha Ha Orbital strikes!

Yes exactly. Steemit is a community so if you act like a loner, only a few people will try to interact with you.

Funny to have come across your post on this subject. I have been engaging a lot more recently on blog posts that I find interesting and also responding to comments left on my post. I saw my followers increase every day for the past week pretty dramatically. I've almost doubled up this month.

Hello @jaybird

I am glad to see that commenting is working for you.

Love the work you are doing on your blog. Followed you

Thanks so much. The Original Music is number one, however, I've been trying to branch out, sharing some of my other passions with the community and also using this a as way to expand my knowledge and experience of/in the crypto world.

I found that in my first couple weeks, I gatjered WAY more followers from comments than posts. I'm about a month in, and have almost hit the 100 follower mark!

Often times, newer users can even EARN way more via commenting than posting. Posts typically only get seen by followers, and followers of followers if you're producing content that gets resteemed. Commenting gives you exposure from a very large pool of users. Those who like the way you think will surely follow and upvote when you DO start producing regular content.

Super true @thatsweeneyguy

Commenting is just like writing guest posts on other people's blog. If your content is good. People will check out your blog and follow you.


Community cannot be stressed enough as the driver for growth on this platform. This isn't like facebook; people generally don't just drive-by upvote posts here. Most of the time they'll restrict themselves to people that provide them value in some way. The best way to convince your readers or others that you can provide that value? Engage them.

Well Said @anarcho-andrei

Just Like you said, this is not Facebook, every Steemian only has 40 votes per Day, so when voting people are careful to vote only on things that has potential.


A very useful advice @ogochukwu! Thanks for posting. Upvoted and shared. :)

I realized pretty soon that posting will not get me anywhere by itself, so that idea wasn't a discovery for me, but I really appreciate you writing about the etiquette.

Usually I jump right to the point forgetting to say hello and all the niceties. I am sure that remembering about them will improve how other steemians perceive my writing. People here are very polite and friendly with each other. I am not used to that. :D

Commenting can be a little bit intimidating if you write in a second language or have dyslexia etc. Still, this platform induces confidence thanks to the friendly attitudes. I really appreciate that. I feel welcome and that's very encouraging.

Hello @dana-varahi

Thank you for reading and from your comment it is obvious you read the previous post on the right way to comment.

A comment can be more powerful than a post.

Here on steemit post and comments are all categorised together. Any one who is wise will acknowledge this and make the kind of comments that will spark engagements.

I have seen posts here on Steemit where the pending payout on someone's comment is more than the post itself.

Have a lovely day


Absolutely right. I've only been on Steemit maybe 5 days and I would estimate I'm due more from comments than the posts. And sometimes - and this backs up your point even more - I've got a higher payout from a comment within my own post than the post itself.

An interesting algorithm that newbies need to understand to succeed.

:D I think that's really cool. I like that there is additional incentive for people to interact with each other. It's something that is missing in many other social networks.

Some of my comnents also get more upvotes than my posts. I post in obscure categories so not many folks get to read my stuff. That's ok though. I just hope to bring more people into steemit to populate those categories. :)

Meanwile being able to get followers and higher payouts from posting will be very helpful.

Hello @rycharde

When I tell my friends about Steemit, they are like what will I write about, I tell them I did not have that figured out at first, but I knew I had to get on board first.

Commenting If done right and strategically will do wonders for you, You don't need to post all the time.


Thanks for your response. I appreviate it. :)

My feelings when joining steemit were very similar. I knew it was a very good idea and I just wanted to give it a go and take it from there. It's an adventure and I like it.

I started commenting a bit more last couple of days and I got some new follows. It definitely works. Thanks for a good advice. :)

I find creating content fun but I also want to get to know others.

@ogochukwu is about as good a steemian as we've got. thanks pal for getting me involved. for those who doesn't know, ogo is a good guy in person not just on steemit.

Thanks for your kind words @arizonawise

Yes – not only do you have to engage with others, you'll find that when you do, the type of people who follow you are those who engage as well. When you don't engage, you tend to only get followers who follow people automatically and rarely engage very much.

This is an excellent post with great reminders for everyone. Thanks for sharing!

Yeah @caweyant

That is the major reason why I don't engage in Follow for Follow.

Because the main thing is not numbers but Interaction.


Excellent post and thanks for the advice. Like you say, Steemit is not just what you make it but also how you interact with the people that have already made it the platform that it is. Thanks again.

Great informative post @ogockuwu! The only way for the community to grow is by the members curating and supporting the content of others. The community would implode if users here didn't take the time to read/watch the content of others!

Thanks for dropping your thoughts @liberty-minded

And thanks for visiting my blog.
