2 days left before the start of IEO on the BitForex exchange!
IEO will start on April 23 at 5 p.m. (UTC + 8).
IEO will end on April 27 at 5 p.m. (UTC + 8).
Detailed conditions for participation: https://support.bitforex.com/hc/en-us/articles/360026200872
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#IEO #ico #ADAB #adabsolutions #cryptocurrency #blockchain #Adab #Muslims #investments #crypto-economy #Islamic #finance #cryptocurrency #exchange #FICE #Shariah #trading #cryptocurrencies #Muslim #community #market #digital #economy
Excellent project and purposeful team . This project is the best I’ve ever seen. This project has a bright future. You will get a higher marketing Value .I wish to the project of explosive growth!
Adab Solution is such a unique crypto project that will surely bring goodness in the crypto industry.
BitForex is a great crypto exchange. I'm sure the IEO will be successful and really quick. Good luck devs!
I think this is a great project for promoting islamic finance in the world. Listing on exchange will be successful.
Good project for those who are much concerned with investment security. Sharia law does not allow fraud and this project is based on it. So I recommend investing in it without any fear.
Only 2 days left before the event that we were waiting for all was done. I am very interested in participating in this event. I hope this event will be successful and achieve success for this project. I am sure many investors will participate.
The concept of "Islamic finance" is based on honesty, reliability and transparency,
A good platform for such an event, I hope it will be successful, I wish success to the team, I follow the project from the beginning!
Platform from a both a technical and a business perspective, appears to have a strong
is growing up and it is a very expected because it is great project and team.
i like the fact that this project has already made some industry partnerships, i fell in love with this project after reading all the details and reading this information