What is the new Alibaba chain patent on hot search ?

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

        What is the new Alibaba chain patent on hot search ?
           上了热搜的阿里巴巴区块链新专利,到底讲了什么 ?   
                                                        by 火星财经 

    Yesterday (October 6) afternoon, "Alibaba Block Chain Patent Application" this news on behalf of the public on the mi croblog hot search list, which is not a small news in the circle.  So what is the new patent ?  
    昨日(10 月 6 日)下午,“阿里巴巴区块链专利申请”这条消息登上了代表大众的微博热搜榜,这在圈内可是个不小的新闻。那么,这项新专利又是什么呢 ?
    Alibaba Group Holdings Limited filed patent applications for Block Chain System, which allows third-party administrators t o execute "special processing instructions" such as suspending smart contracts or freezing accounts related to illegal act ivities, according to the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on October 4, CCN reported.  The patent application was first submitted by the Alibaba Group Holding Ltd in the Grand Cayman Islands in March. It wants to solve some problems encountered in the use of block chain system, such as the standard intelligent con tract is not under anyone's control, even if the result of a court decision protected by law can not be enforced.  Therefore, Alibaba's developers believe it is necessary to create a data processing approach based on the block chai n system itself to allow "special processing instructions" such as administrative intervention on the chain.     
    据CCN 报道,美国专利商标局(USPTO) 10 月 4 日公布的文件显示,阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司提交了区块链系统专利申请,这一系统允许第三方管理员执行“特殊处理指令”,比如中止智能合约或冻结与非法活动有关的账户等。这一专利申请最初在 3 月份由大开曼岛的阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司提交。它想解决区块链系统在使用过程中遇到的一些问题,比如标准的智能合约不受任何人控制,即使是受法律保护的法院判决结果,也无法执行。因此,阿里巴巴的开发人员认为,有必要基于区块链系统自身创建一种数据处理方式,以便在链上允许例如行政干预这样的“特殊处理指令”。

    A specific use case is described in the patent document: the creator of the block chain can set up a management accou nt for the government agency, and then the agency can issue operation instructions to the block chain network; the node in the network will invoke the corresponding intelligent contract to execute the operation when the instructions are legally issued.  Of course, this intelligent contract is pre established according to the law or supervision.  

    See if you think of the governance mechanism of EOS.  EOS has set up a chain of courts, ECAF (EOS core Arbitration Forum).  ECAF is composed of independent arbitrators who are examined and responsible for handling all disputes that may aris e in EOS.  For example, the first case arbitrated by the ECAF in June this year was the freezing of seven EOS accounts suspecte d of being stolen, which were operated by block producers in accordance with the ruling.  However, ECAF is only applicable to EOS, and most block chains lack this flexible "manual" mechanism.  Alibaba's system may be one of the potential solutions. 
    看到这大家是不是想到了 EOS 的治理机制。EOS 中设置了一个链上法院,ECAF(EOS 核心仲裁论坛)。ECAF 由经过审查的独立仲裁员组成,负责处理 EOS 中可能出现的所有争议。比如 ECAF 在今年 6 月仲裁的首个案件,就是冻结怀疑被盗的 7 个 EOS 账户,由区块生产者们根据裁决执行了操作。但 ECAF 只适用于 EOS,大部分的区块链尚缺乏这一具有灵活性的“手动”机制。阿里巴巴的这一系统或许是潜在的解决方案之一。

    Supported netizens said, "the government should open formal channels of intervention, which to some extent can make up for  the block chain technology in the practical application of the"lawless"defect, I believe that with this more relaxed mech anism, the block chain technology will be more widely used."      

    The objections were mainly from developers who believed in pure block chains. They believed that the system obviously violated the important characteristics of the block chains P2P (Peer to Peer) and could not be tampered with.  There may also be security issues, "Administrator accounts can be targeted by hackers, which can pose a huge securit y risk to the entire network."  In this regard, developers of Alibaba suggest that management authority be dispersed to multiple designated accounts .                 报错 
    反对的声音主要是信仰纯粹区块链的开发者,他们认为这一系统明显违背区块链 P2P(Peer to Peer)、不可篡改的重要特性,“这叫特色区块链,局域网链”。另外还有可能存在安全问题,”管理员账户会成为黑客定向攻击的目标,这会为整个网络带来巨大的安全隐患“。对此,阿里巴巴的开发者建议,将管理权限分散给多个指定账户。