What TO do and NOT TO do when implementing Blockchain in your business

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Have a business? Do you plan to create a business ? You are looking for the best way to implement Blockchain into your business ? Make sure you know what you are doing because paying attention and doing the right thing can be key to the success.

What TO DO:

  • Token could be a feature in your business
  • Consider SAP
  • Ico's aren't a priority, your business IS!
  • Get educated and understand the Blockchain and its many aspects.


  • Launching a business as a token isn't always the best idea
  • Don’t just see it as a currency or a ledger or transaction platform.


( What to do )Token could be a feature in your business

It's easy to have a "Get Rich Fast" program or a scheme but its really important as an entrepreneur to not look to make small amount of money with the help of an ICO.Investors are not stupid so they are going to recognize that and they won't want to deal with you.

( What to do ) Consider SAP

SAP is a software corporation which has a revenue of 22 B $ per year which is really good.The main idea of the project is to help entrepreneurs with thinking, design and on top of that providing value proposition with customer life cycle into consideration.

( What to do ) Ico's aren't priority, your business IS!

You have to know that ICO's don't have to be your priority.Remember to organize your time on a good way and always know your goals because if you just waste your time on ICO's and then it doesn't work out then that's valuable time wasted. Your business is always the priority.

( What to do ) Get educated and understand Blockchain and it's many aspects

Whether you are launching a business or you are getting into cryptocurrency or if you have a goal to open a business it's really important to do research about Blockchain. You should know the definition, the aspects, and everything else that goes with it .


( What not to do ) Launching a business as a token isn't always the best idea

We already realized that quick cash is not going to happen so launching a business as a token might not work unless you have a very stable oriented value proposition as the foundation of your business.

( What not to do ) Don't just see it as a currency or a ledger or transaction platform

Blockchain is all those things, but it is a lot more, so really try to wrap your heads around the different components and aspects. Then get aggressive on the innovation path — don’t just see it as a process improvement technology. It’s not just about doing things a little bit cheaper, faster and better. It is about being an enabler for new service models and technologies.


Thanks for reading.Your support means a lot !

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All good advice. Going along the same lines as your business being more important, I would say to focus on the product and the problem it solves. Is it a common problem? How many people could it serve in terms of market share? What is the level of competition? These are all things we should be asking.

Indeed ! Those are good questions that we should be asking ourselves. Thank you for the feedback ! = )

Thanks for stopping by = )