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RE: ADSactly Tech News - The Many Ways in Which Blockchain is Changing Our World

in #blockchain7 years ago


FINALLY!! Someone who truly gets that this will change things historically! So much fud flying around to drive prices back down so all the major corporations can scoop it up at a discount and be greedy capitalists as usual.

My question is: @adsactly Do you think the potential power of the 99% controlled by the 1% can outweigh them? and we can start to see a gradual conversion towards a 50/50 fiat(cash)/crypto global economy in the coming 8 years ? By the way I am a new follower and I gave you an upvote!

I am a self employed tattooist from the uk and crypto enthusiast, if anybody is interested I try to post as much as I can :) peace!


I think a lot of people in government are still trying to fit the square peg (Crypto/Blockchain) into the round hole (Fiat/Status Quo Society). Ideally, something like what you describe will happen, where the new blockchain based systems are built and gain acceptance along side the existing system. Then, when the status quo collapses, its replacement will be there ready to take over. I'm looking forward to that day.

As a self employed person you have a lot of power to help with that transition. Do you accept crypto for your services? What if you were to ONLY accept crypto?

Currently, no. But it is something I am contemplating... however most of my business is currently cash based so would be a huge transition to make, especially since only having this new studio open for a little over a month! But I’m considering at least giving people the option ;) new follower and upvote from me anyway as you seem to be switched on!

Thanks bro. I haven't posted anything yet but hope to soon.

Cash is still King for the time being... The interesting fork in the road coming down the pike faster than people realize is government-crypto -vs- decentralized-crypto. Governments would love to get rid of cash and have 100% traceable transactions via gov-crypto. It's gonna be up to the people to reject that when the time comes and hopefully decentralized crypto will already have wide acceptance. It may be a bumpy ride but I have faith!

It's already happening:

I think that communities can use blockchain technology to change the world. Be ready because ADSactly is going to be a player in the game shortly with that very goal! Lets take the power back from these greedy corporations!

Exactly !! There needs to be a MAJOR shift in power (money). It’s already beginning to happen, the snowball affect is all we need now ;)

i know this is off your topic but please consider it

please dont flag me, this is very important to me