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RE: Why Blockchain Social Will Replace What We Use Now

in #blockchain6 years ago

Im glad to see you're still around @scottcbusiness

Such a valuable video just right before bedtime.

Did you ever consider writing some brief info about content displayed in your videos? To tell you the truth, my impression is that most people who are on steemit likes to read, instead of watching videos. Reading is just simply allowing to process informations much faster.

Anyway, great stuff buddy


I can write more blog esque content to go with my videos or at least try to if that would improve your experience? :)

Thank you for your reply @scottcbusiness

I strongly believe that Im not very unique person when it comes to ways of accessing data online. If I want to watch something I will end up on youtube or dtube.

At the same time I will go to Steemit/medium/busy if Im either in the mood to read something instead (usually quick read).

That's my impression anyway
