Weekly News 6/2018 by Protocols (Ethereum, NEO, QTUM, Cardano, Tezos, Cosmos, Nebulas)
Ethereum Protocol (Ethereum, Ethereum Classic)
- State of Decentralized Exchanges, 2018 by Nathan Sexer
- Decentralized Exchanges Workshop Outcomes by Web3 Foundation Team
- European Commission launches the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum by European Commission
- A VC’s take on evaluating cryptocurrencies by Justine and Olivia Moore\
- Beyond the Decentralized Chain by Pyskell
- Casper Research 38 by Casper Standup
- Delayed state execution, finality and cross-chain operations by vbuterin
- Private lookbehind for logs by JustinDrake
- Trustless Bridge Contracts by Grid+
Stuff for developers
- How to Make Bonding Curves for Continuous Token Models by Slava Balasanov
- Predicting Random Numbers in Ethereum Smart Contracts by Arseny Reutov
- Truebit verification for Scrypt on the Rinkeby testnet by Truebit. Github
- Changing the Music Industry with Smart Contracts… In The Small by Conrad Barski
- My attitude on protocol changes affecting particular Ethereum accounts by Yoichi Hirai
- Standardized Ethereum Recovery Proposals (ERPs) on Github
- Decentralized Derivatives Beta Launch by Decentralized Derivatives Association
- Announcing Aragon Labs by Luke Duncan
Podcast, Videos and Interviews
- µRaiden: Unidirectional Off-Chain Payment Framework - Loredana Cirstea and STARKs: Verifying Computations Faster than Re-Executing Them - Christian Reitwiessner by Ethereum Foundation
- Yan Michalevsky on "Ethereum Bugs Through the Lens of Formal Verification" by SV Ethereum
- Web3 Foundation: Decentralized Exchange Meetup, 24 JAN 18 - Berlin by WEB3 Foundation
- ScalingNOW! #2: Igor & Roman of POA Network explain to Giveth how they Bridge to Ethereum by Giveth
Project Updates
- Status - Status Town Hall // February 5th, 2017
- Dharma Protocol - Building Collateralized Debt Obligations with Dharma Protocol
- Aragon Team Update: January 2018
- Airswap - Token Trader is Live!
- Colony - Open-sourcing the Colony Network
- Rocketpool - Development Update — 3rd Feb, 2017
- FOAM - The Spatial Index
Done using materials from http://www.weekinethereum.com
NEO Ecosystem
In the news and blogs
- NEO Council Monthly Report – January by [email protected]
- A Deep Dive into NeoVM & NeoContract video by NEO Smart Economy
- how to debug neo smart contracts and NEO: How to compile a C# Smart Contract tutorial video
- Weekly Report #30–2018.02.05 by Tyler
- NEL Monthly Report for January, 2018: code is justice by robbie wang
- Zeepin announce ZeeRights open beta testing for March by neonewstoday.com
QTUM Ecosystem
In the news and blogs
- Mandatory v0.14.14 forking update for Qtum on Reddit
- Vanywhere Is Coming To Qtum and Community Updates — February 5 by Qtum
- Regulators need to see the 'big picture' of blockchain by CNBC
Cardano Ecosystem
In the news and blogs
- The Daedalus Mantis integration 1.0 is released by Alan McSherry
- 02.02.2018 - Cardano Foundation Newsletter by cf_jonmoss
- 5.2.18 - Roadmap Update by cf_maki.mukai
- Cardano (ADA) Interview with Charles Hoskinson by Cryptovator
Tezos Ecosystem
In the news and blogs
Cosmos Ecosystem
In the news and blogs
Nebulas Ecosystem
In the news and blogs
- Nebulas Weekly Report #15 and Nebulas AMA Series#3 General Question with Nebulas Co-Founder and CTO Robin Zhong by Nebulas
- Nebulas: A More Technical Exploration. Co-Founder Robin Zhong talks tech with BlockchainBrad by BlockchainBrad
View release on Github
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