
Thanks @danielwong. It means a lot. We need support from people from all walks of life. I am sure some of you guys will eventually become the evangelists for the cause.
Cheers :)

Evangelism is my thing. Whether it be the gospel or now, blockchain and sharonomics :D

Is there anything else I can right now besides subscribing for the updates?

Great! we are preparing for an ICO very soon. Our business model is to eventually establish AlgoShare powered fully decentralized exchanges in every country owned and operated by local entrepreneurs. We are already on the verge of closing with 3 countries. Please do DM me at my Twitter handle @sharonomics if this is of your interest. Thanks :)

Ah I don't have Twitter. Any other way I can get in touch with you? Telegram/discord?

I am so terribly awful with chat apps except of course whatsapp which I exclusively use for business. But hey you can message Rajat on (Autonio Telegram channel) and he will pass on the message to me. I think I have to ask one my team members to sign up a new Telegram channel for Prosperism / AlgoShare. Once I get your message we can figure out the best way to communicate. Cheers :)

Oh a Telegram channel for Prosperism would be super! Will be following your posts for the update when that happens.