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RE: Adaptive Emission: Making Blockchain Economy Real

in #blockchain6 years ago

Is it a real conflict that a cryptocurrency does not have a stable value? At the moment I do not think that the cryptocurrencies want to replace the regular monetary cone, like the dollar, I think it is more oriented to be a new financial model. Just as when the bonds were created and not everyone trusted them, so the cryptocurrencies must earn the trust of their potential buyers.
At present, for example, Banco Santader has just launched for four countries the platform needed to handle cryptocurrencies (buy, sell, transfer) but hand in hand with Ripple, even though Stellar had been making agreements with IBM long before to be them. will present a reliable platform for banks internationally.
But we still have to see how all this will turn out.


Of course, cryptocurrencies need to earn the trust of users, and this requires new solutions.

new solutions? but if there are initiatives like the one in my country "El Petro", since false expectations are created and it ends in the same problem, it does not generate trust. There is a practical with a cryptocurrency that means the government of Canada that later did not continue because it was not profitable, at present this government is seriously analyzing the chain of characters in public records (with Ethereum).