The BGX platform’s tokenization system and token detail

in #blockchain7 years ago

We are on the age of digital ecosystem. At the present time people do many things to entertainment. Now a day’s, mobile gaming is the most popular and powerful segment in the entertainment industry. People of all over the world are play’s mobile game mostly to pass time or entertainment. They are spending lot of money for gaming segment, millions of daily transaction related to in-game purchase, advertising, and participation of tournament and promotion of mobile game. There are different kinds of problem in the mobile gaming segment for the gamer, developer and game owner which need to be solved. The mobile gaming world is facing different problem in the transactions and lack of security issues. The BGX is a mobile game based platform which will be giving solution of the mobile gaming ecosystem with their advanced technology and expertise.

The BGX is a cryptocurrency based blockchain platform in the gaming industry. This platform is a decentralized platform for gaming industry which is driven by the unprecedented algorithm and blockchain technology. This platform is providing advanced technological infrastructure with powerful processing capabilities with a set of financial and game features. This platform is providing a distribution system for gaming applications on both android as well as iOS. This platform was built in the aim to offers game developers, local and niche application stores, sponsors as well as players integrated ecosystem support. This platform is making gaming ecosystem where distribution of profits is managed in a transparent as well as decentralized way. This platform is providing self-learning artificial intelligence fuzzy network which will eliminates fraud from the mobile gaming ecosystem. We can know more detail about BGX platform’s dual token system from their whitepaper which is already released for the public interest. We can visit their whitepaper any time for any information. The whitepaper link is You can know token sale time schedule form BGX website. The BGX website link is

Tokenization of the BGX platform:

The BGX is a tokenize cryptocurrency based platform who has created token with their smart contract technology of blockchain technology. This platform was created a special economic model based on the sale of tokens. This platform has created two types of tokens with a binary system. This platform has created BGX and BGT token. These tokens detail is given below:

BGX token:

The BGX platform has created BGX token as basic token of the platform. This token is ERC20 standard token which is released on the Ethereum platform. This platform was created BGX token to attract financing for the main development through the mechanism of initial coin offering (ICO). This token was created with a smart contract which is placed on the Ethereum network. This token will allow us to operate this platform’s crypto wallets. This token can be exchange in the exchangers through special mechanisms of built-in methods. These methods will help to the increase in the price of the token in the first months after the initial coin offering. This platform is giving opportunity to their user where they can exchange BGX token for fiat money. The BGX token will be used in the token sale. This platform will use 1 billion tokens for the ICO with strating price of 0.1 USD. They will sell 50% to investors and 25% will reserve for future creation of the community.

BGT token:

The BGX platform has created BGT token which is the auxiliary token or game token. The BGT token of this platform are not ERC20 standard token. This token cannot be tradable in the exchangers. This token was created to use in the any game in the white label format. This platform has created this token with fixed price. The BGT token can be exchangeable with the BGX token. The BGX website link is

Token detail of the BGX platform:

The BGX is a tokenize cryptocurrency based platform who has created token with their smart contract technology of blockchain technology. This platform was created a special economic model based on the sale of tokens. This platform has created two types of tokens with a binary system. This platform’s token detail is given below:

• The platform token is BGX and the game token is BGT.
• The BGX token is utility token and BGT also utility token.
• The BGX tokens are ERc20 standard and BGT tokens are not ERC20 standard.
• The maximum emission of BGX token is 1, 000, 000, 000 tokens and BGT tokens emission are unlimited.
• The price of BGX token is $ 0.10 USD and the price of BGT token is $ 0.10 USD which is unchanging.
• The BGX token can be purchase from the TGE (Token generation event) of the platform in the BGX BIFROST exchange and other exchange. The BGT can be purchase form the BGX BIFROST exchange.

Token distribution:

The BGX platform will distribute all 1, 000, 000, 000 tokens for different purpose. This platform will distribute all tokens for crowd-sale, founder & advisors team, development & incentive reserve and bounty. The token distribution of this platform will be as flows:

Fund allocation:

After the ICO of token sale this platform will get huge amount of fund which will be allocate for different development of the platform and different promotional program. They will allocate all funds for development of platform, marketing, legal, strategy and operation. The BGX website link is The fund allocation of the BGX platform is given below:


At the end, I can say that the BGX platform is providing unique service for the mobile gaming industry. They are giving solution of all problems that facing by the gaming industry. This platform is making gaming transaction more secure and easy. Now any user of this platform can use cryptocurrency or fiat currency for their gaming ecosystem. The developers of games can be beneficial financially by using his platform. . This platform was built in the aim to offer one of the most advanced technological infrastructures with powerful processing capabilities. We should join this platform as early as possible. You can purchase their token before the time end with attractive discount on token purchasing.

To join the BGX platform visit below links:

• Company Website:
• Twitter Pages:
• Facebook Page Link: h
• Telegram Group:
• Medium Blog Link:
• Youtube Channel Link:
• Github Profile Link:
• Bitcointalk ANN Thread:
• Whitepaper Link:
• Linkedin Profile Link:

• BitcoinTalk User Name: group.skynetbd
• BitcoinTalk Profile Link:;u=1300404