The Blockchain-AI Government to make Humanity an Advanced Civilization

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,
This is my second blog post after the #introduceyourself post that I posted earlier today.
Have you ever thought of becoming a part of the advanced civilization that most sci-fi movies show like in Independence Day Resurgence or terminator? I am guessing many of you might have. But doesn't it seem it is way ahead of our time? Well...technically it is if our world continues to function the way it is functioning now. We have so many good technologies like Blockchain and AI which can be put to good use to advance humanity on a technological level. Let me explain you how we can achieve this.



So as the reader is a steemit member, I am assuming that everyone is familiar with blockchain or decentralized applications. Currently all the countries are mostly on their own, working to win the race in either technology, space, economy etc. But what if all the countries just unite together to form a single nation of Humans, then wouldn't it be great. Instead of investing money on their countries, they can invest money all together to advance technology and humanity. For instance, let's assume each country is investing around $ 5 billion on an average for their space program and there are nearly 70 countries having a space program. If all the countries unite together and invest together on a Global Space Program then we would have more than $ 350 Billion in funds and this enormous sum of money could be enough to colonize Mars, Moon, Moons of Saturn and Achieving Fusion Drive Capabilties and making humanity a space ferrying civilization in just a Decade or two.

But to achieve this we again need a global government to look after this, right? Uhm... not necessarily. If we could create a blockchain which controls the actions of all the countries, not autonomously but based on majority then the problem of a universal government could be solved. But what about the voice of the maybe asking? Well people will also have take part in decision making. Only if the majority of the humanity agrees upon a decision then only it would be approved by the blockchain. People can form Voice-Pools like mining-pools to discuss and affect the decision making process. Infact crytocurrency mining can also play a vital role in raising funds for a particular cause.

This way we can decentralize the power from the hands of a few politicians to the entire humanity where every human's decision matters and is responsible for the fate of humanity. We shape our own destiny.



Now, that we have discussed about decentralizing the government, we still need something or someone to take execute the decisions made, someone who can is free of corruption, and trustworthy. That someone is a Decentralized AI which controls the flow of funds for implementing policies and taking actions by carefully calculating the importance of every decision and future consequences of every action taken. The CCTV cameras around the world will be monitored by the AI to keep a check if the work is being done correctly or not. As the AI will have the ability to predict the future based on
current affairs, it can change the future by altering the decisions taken.

But as the system is a blockchain, altering may not be possible for the AI alone as it would again need a majority to change the decision, to tackle that problem, another blockchain for decision execution will be needed to which only a handful of intellectual people have access to and their majority would be required for any decision to be taken. This committee would consist of the most intellectual people from around the world who are carefully chosen based on their intellect, wisdom, knowledge, ideas and creativity.



As the entire system is decentralized (blockchain) it would be practically impossible for anyone to hack into into the blockchain and alter the decision. The power will be in the hands of the people and now their voice will truly matter, because how much ever we emphasize that democracy is a government by the people, it is actually not. People rarely have a stand in the decision making process in the current forms of government. Moreover as the AI would be able to predict the future based on current affairs, we would become better at making decisions.

Humanity's Development in every aspect will become significant in a matter of a few years.



As I have talked about the pros it would be unfair if I don't talk about the cons. As the system is completely decentralized, many governments and individuals will fight against this form of governance. It could be very new and we might hesitate to become a part of this enormous change and we might just feel uncomfortable. But the advantages of this system just outweighs the disadvantages.

But anyhow this is just an Idea that popped up in my head. Let me know in the comments what do you think about this form of governance. Also if you think it is a good idea to implement, we can seriously create a community based on a system like this on a relatively smaller and private scale if not on the governance scale.

Comment " #blockchAIngov I am up for it" in the comments if you are up to build a community of advanced ideas and innovation to advance humanity and solve some of the world's problems.

Check out my Other Posts

The CyMind Principle (fancy version of Law of Attraction)
My #introduceyourself Post