Introducing PLUTO’s Proof-of-Concept Prototype
We launched our Proof-of-Concept(PoC) prototype as planned in November of our milestone. Cryptocurrency and blockchain related research articles, whitepapers, and technical blogs can be shared and evaluated in our PoC prototype. The PoC product was launched to introduce and verify our concept prior to PLUTO’s main product development. The PoC product is not a full product that we will actually serve, but a prototype that implements the key features of PLUTO. Reputation and peer review models to be included in the main product are constantly being designed and developed. In PoC, these are implemented as simple logic. The design update of the main product is available in our white paper. Active feedback from users help development of PLUTO.
Anyone can sign up and try PoC product by email. Anyone can read and upload articles in our PoC prototype and see reviews of them. Moreover, all users can review and share opinions on shared articles. Users can earn reputation score as a reward for active platform activity, and they can also view other user’s’ reputation scores. When a user sign up, a wallet that can hold PLT tokens will be automatically created.
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If users click on the article, they can see more information about it such as abstract summary, authors and so on.Detailed reviews and evaluation score composition are also transparently open to the public. The full text of the article is available through the ‘Go to read the article’ button.
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